Monday, May 10, 2010

Colorado Marathon Report

I think all of the people that know me are aware, but I did the marathon in 4 hours, 25 minutes, and 21 seconds. I am quite happy with my time. From last year, I was faster by 1 hour 24 minutes and 38 seconds. I had aspirations of going a bit lower, but I wanted under 4:30 and I got it. So here is my report....

I ate at Carrabbas for my pre-race meal. I had a fantastic meal of Chicken Marasala, spaghetti and a dinner salad. It was absolute perfection. I had the pleasure of eating with my sister, just the two of us, which is nice. We rarely just get to hang out.

After dinner we went back to her home in Windsor and basically hung out. I got all my clothes together and went to bed around 11:00. I knew I was not going to be able to sleep, so I decided not to fight it. I think I fell asleep a little after midnight.

When my alarm went off at 3:00, it was very difficult to get up...but the energy of the day soon got me up and moving. I took a shower and went downstairs and grabbed all my things and left for the bus pick-up. After getting all parked and to the buses, I walked on the first bus that had an opening, and heard a voice and saw it was David from the We had met the day before and it was cool to have a whole bus ride to talk about all things running. It really channeled my energy....

Once the buses made it to the start, we debarked and kind of went out separate ways for a little bit. Like last year, I was underdressed for the wait, but it is better to be cold than warm I always say. You could feel the buzz in the air and people looking both excited and a little anxious. Race days have a tremendous aura and I always love feeling it.

I decided wisely to line up at the almost end of the line. I figured many people would go out too fast and if I stayed in the back I would have a better chance of not getting pushed by the throngs. I ran into an old student and we chatted for a bit. I knew he was going to be there and it was good to see him. He looked like he was in amazing shape and when the gun went off he quickly took off down the mountain.

I felt myself going a hair faster than I had wanted, it took my a few minutes to get the downhill and my desired pace to line up.I ended up a few seconds behind my pace band after the first mile, and I think that was a good thing.

Second mile in I pushed a bit more, but could not quite get to 6.3 mph, it didn't feel right quite yet, so I went with it. By the end of the 4th mile I finally felt like I was in a groove. The weather was perfect, the scenery was amazing, and I wasn't feeling great, but things were going well so I just enjoyed the run. I tried to pick up a little lost time when the mountain felt like it was shuffling me along.

I was using a strategy to not stop at water stations, it is always tough for me to get my rhythm back and since I was carrying water it seemed redundant. This enabled me to just keep doing what I was doing. The miles were starting to lock in:

Mile 1 - 11:05
Mile 2 - 9:51
Mile 3 - 9:47
Mile 4 - 9:13
Mile 5 - 9:15
Mile 6 - 9:35

I was really starting to feel good around mile 6. I had entered some fun music on the play list and was just really digging the run. "I'm on a boat" by Andy Samburg and his group is a hip-hop song that cracks me up. You should check out the youtube video....but I digress...think I listened to it 6 times in a row....

My only real complain about the marathon was around mile 6-7. There were a group of women...probably early twenties that were all running together. 6 a row....foot and a half apart. The one on the far left was running on the gravel and they stretched all the way the the graded middle. I am all for working together....but damn....not cool. It took so much energy to get all the way around them and then back to where I was trying to run (the most level ground either on the road or the side) that it gassed me a little. After a couple of miles I slowed my pace down to take a gel and they passed me again and then I just stayed behind them until the got off to use the port-o-potties at mile 10. It was very frustrating....

On a side note...I think I may finally have the gels figured out. I swish it in my mouth with the water, until the consistency is very water-like. This helps them go down. It is not an easy trick to master while moving, but totally worth it.

Things stayed pretty good for the most part the rest of the way down the mountain to the half-way point. I was feeling very strong and pleased with my times:

Mile 7 - 9:17
Mile 8 - 9:25
Mile 9 - 9:46
Mile 10 - 9:47
Mile 11 - 9:33

Around mile 12 there is a decent sized hill that is the first kind of test to how the legs are feeling. It felt very smooth and I was really thinking I was going to be in for a solid day. I decided to take a chance and not use the toilets at the start of the half- marathon. I had a little bit of an urge in my stomach, but thought I would just try my luck. For future reference, if any of you are thinking about Colorado, this is the place to stop. There are a lot of them, so the wait would be limited, if there was one at all.

When I finally hit the half-way point I was a little annoyed that my watch said I had gone over a tenth of a mile farther than the 13.1, but that is the way it goes. I was still incredibly pleased with my times....

Mile 12 - 9:24
Mile 13 - 9:40
HALF - :59

At that point I was a little over 25 seconds off based on the pace band time of 2:06:16. I was still feeling very strong though and was not panicking at all...just taking what the course gave me.

I felt like things were going well the next few miles. I was anxious to see my parents and Beth at Ted's Place which I think was near mile 17. As I was approaching 16.5, I hear someone talking to me over my Ipod, and I turn to see who it is and I just see a really tall guy. He was asking about my hydration pac k. I have never had a conversation while running, and to have it happen in a marathon was a little odd. He was nice, but kind of got me out of my rhythm. I didn't really get to talk to my cheering section as I passed and I felt bad. I did hand off my arm warmers and gloves so it was good to get that out.

My plan had always been to get rid of the hydration pack after the hill on that goes to mile 19. This would become important...because after I turned the corner onto 287 to head towards Ft. Collins, I could tell the pace this guy was going was going to run me into the ground...I apologized and told him I had to slow back down and wished him luck. Maybe a minute or two after that, I hit the wall....HARD.

The last two marathons I could slowly feel my body going. I just started going a little slower and a little slower and then I just was at a zombie-like pace. This was very different....the legs started to ache and I was getting some serious stomach cramps. It was just a sudden and instant wham. I was not ready for it.... I just kept trying to tell myself to push on. Once I got to the top of the was downhill to the end. The legs were still working and that was all I could ask....

Getting up the hill was hard....I was really hoping to hit that 5.5 mph pace...but was ready when I was coming in at 5.3....I started passing a couple of people and was getting my wits back about me. About part way down the hill I met up with TEAM Sean and handed off my hydration....within a couple of minutes the cramps went away (I have to keep that thing pretty tight or it bounces. I will be so happy to not use it at all in New York City). In my haste to get rid of the pack...I must have done something to the Garmin...I looked down and it was completely off....BUMMER! As predicted by my wiser running was hard to get the speed back the bottom of the hill I was at 6.1 and feeling alright again.....

Mile 14 - 8:34 (short mile because of halfway mark)
Mile 15 - 9:40
Mile 16 - 9:27
Mile 17 - 18:47 (miles got messed up) and after this the Garmin was not of much help accept to help me not lose my mind not knowing where I ended up distance-wise....

Once I got to mile 20 and on the bike path, I could really start to feel the downhill and uphill taking its toll. I finally stopped at mile 21 and walked for a second to try to shake them didn't really help. I met a fellow Laramie runner that was having some bad quad issues and walked with her for a minute or two and then dropped off to try and stretch my legs....surprisingly it didn't help at all. I kept trying to trudge on...

After I caught up with Tina again, I wanted to try and help her get through...I don't really know runner etiquette, it just seemed like the right thing to do. I like the two running couples I have met in Laramie and want everyone to finish. I am not sure if it is bad or annoyed her....I think she understood. Unfortunately I could only stay with her about 6 or 7 minutes....I knew if I didn't try to make some hay that I was I told her and she told me to go ahead and do what I needed to I went on....

About 5 minutes after I went on my left calf felt like it exploded on was the same one that seized up last weekend and I had a feeling it would come at some point....I made peace with the pain and pushed forward...the next time it shocked me there was also a lovely sensation in my inner thigh that I learned is the vastus medialis oblique as explained by my therapist. I had never EVER felt pain there before. It freaked me out to be honest. Every step I took felt like I was going to fall to my left...I knew at that point any chance I had to make up time was done...I could barely more forward....

So at the remaining aid stations I told myself I would walk as I got water....then for a few tenths of a mile afterward then try to jog to light run as much as possible....the biggest bummer for me....was that I still had quite a bit left in my tank...and that makes it hard to accept. 

With the Garmin not on track I estimated that between my start at the beginning and the Garmin stopping I was probably off by 10 I kept just pushing when I could....

By the time I was on the final stretch there was no more running, at all. It felt like I was moving in slow motion, which sucks when you see all the people around the finish line...I always get a rush....that left leg just wouldn't work....I had to focus just on not falling down...

When I saw the clock, I saw that I was around 4:27 in change...I knew I was ahead of 4:30...but also knew I could not have bit 10 minute miles...I really wasn't upset about it...only the fact that I had energy left...I am not sure I could have done more....honestly....I almost tipped over three times in the finishing corral with every left step I took...I think I did the best I could....

I still have that after marathon glow today. I am in a lot of pain and the massage was brutal...but I am just so amped it is hard to describe. I wish everyone could experience this in some form...the sensation...the feeling of self-actualization....of just knowing you achieved something physical that you thought you couldn't....

I have been toying with the idea of doing another marathon in the beginning of June....still not sure....Casper Marathon asks for no Ipod and Casper isn't attractive enough to run that long without one. I might -mail the race director...but I am not sure I don't just want to heal and start slowly adding some speed work to a solid base...we will see. I feel like I could get my 5K time under 24 minutes if I worked at it so I don't know...we will just see....

As far as New York City is concerned...I don't think I have sub 4 hour marathon in me for that one. It is a substantially more difficult course. I have read that many people think you should add 10 minutes to your regular marathon time for NYC...and to be honest...I would have to agree....that being said...I am thinking 4:10 would be a good next step for me. I want to get better and doing my runs for their intended purpose....Hills, Tempos, Intervals, and slower on the long runs....these things will help me improve...I am still not sure I feel like a real runner...but I also don't feel like someone pretending anymore and that feels wonderful....

Thank you once again to all the people that helped me get here....

Jon - Sage advice keeps me in the game mentally and always looking to improve. You truly inspire

Ria - I have really enjoyed this new friendship, and thank you so much for the massage gift, it              
       made a HUGE difference.

David - Thanks for reaching out on dailymile....I look forward to learning from you and sharing the  
           runner "experience".

DMrs - It helps so much to have the support and to see the efforts you churn out...

Jenny PC - For keeping me honest with doing the blog and making sure I share what is going on. It 
 is also very inspiring to see someone so busy put in the time....

Diane - The massages help soooo much. Thank you!

Beth - Thanks you for coming out and helping my folks yesterday...but more importantly for all the 
support you give me. You have no idea how much it helps...

All Friends and Family - Whenever you ask me how it is going it means a lot to me and helps push
me out the door or out of the bed on days that I might not want to get out there...

Everyone else - Not sure if there are others that read, but thank you whoever you are!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


It is about time to hit the sack. Here are my goal paces for my miles. It feels a little ambitious...but I have worked incredibly hard to get it is time to dance....

1.       10:52
2.       20:24 – 9:32
3.       29:56 – 9:32
4.       39:28 – 9:32
5.       49:00 – 9:32
6.       58:32 – 9:32
7.       1:08:04 – 9:32
8.       1:17:36 – 9:32
9.       1:27:08 – 9:32
10.    1:36:40 – 9:32
11.    1:46:12 – 9:32
12.    1:55:44 – 9:32
13.    2:05:16 – 9:32
Ha   HALF– 2:06:16
14.    2:14:48 – 9:32
15.    2:24:20 – 9:32
16.    2:33:52 – 9:32
17.    2:43:24 – 9:32
18.    2:54:16 – 10:52
19.    3:04:16 – 10:00
20.    3:14:16 – 10:00
21.    3:24:16 – 10:00
22.    3:34:16 – 10:00
23.    3:44:16 – 10:00
24.    3:53:48 – 9:32
25.    4:03:20 – 9:32
26.    4:12:35 – 9:32
F     FINISH – 4:14:25 - 1:50

the  So that is the plan!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Horsetooth Half through Friday, May 7th

So I am finally done with the semester and school for the time being. I just finished an Associates in Computer Science. I was really looking for the Bachelors, but quite frankly, just wanted to get done and on with my life. I now have a job I like doing what I want to do. I am not going to do any more schooling for at least the rest of 2010. It will be nice to focus just on work and running....

So I ran the Horsetooth Half Marathon a few weeks ago. It was a really neat experience. The race happen in Fort Collins, and as you might have gathered from the name, goes a long the Horsetooth Reservoir for a stretch. It is a challenging due to the substantial uphills at the start through the first few miles. The view though is really out of this world. I have never run a half before and really was sad that I missed this one last year due to having the flu.  I was really glad I decided to do it...

The start was a little befuddled. I could not really tell where the starting line was and in hindsight, should have started a little closer to the front. I ended up getting stuck behind a ton of people that started the half walking. I know it is unavoidable, because so many people are new and just don't understand where they should be lining up, but it is very hard to weave around people on such a steep incline to start a race. I was pretty flustered the first mile to be honest. That opening hill was even steeper than I would have thought.

After I started to get some room, the only real challenge was the steep grade ahead. I kept telling myself to stay slow and not to push. It was like I could hear my running guru Jon and my NYC Marathon buddy Ria telling me that this was not the end goal and getting injured worse in my legs was not worth it. So I really pulled back at times.

Once the road leveled out and you could look to the right and see Ft. Collins it was quite the view. It reminded me a bit of the movie Cars when Lightening McQueen and Sally are looking down at Radiator Springs, it brought a smile to my face.

The downhills were pretty funny. Lots of people would just go blowing by me...then when we would start the trek back steady pace would take me ahead. It was a very satisfying feeling. To know that you are keeping your pace and that if necessary, you could output a bunch more is really good for the confidence. At around mile 7, I was taking a mental stock of how my body was feeling, and I really had a lot in the tank at the 6.2-6.3 pace I was keeping when not running up hill. But I held my pace and didn't give into temptation.

The best part of the end for me, is the fact that the last several miles are on the same bike path that were the leg crushers for the Colorado Marathon. I can't express how good it felt to go steaming past the chair I hat to stop and rub my feet on because the pain was excruciating. Almost like exorcising some demons.

Once I got to was just a 5K until the finish line, so I opened up and just went. The legs hurt, but no more so than on any of my long runs. The rush of passing people and keeping a good pace was a fantastic feeling.

The last like .2 or .3 they heard you into this long corral type finish...made it hard to keep the same pace...but I think I did pretty well. I finished 13.18 miles in 2:07:19 according to the Garmin. I was very pleased with the  effort....

Short break then I will bring you all up to speed on the last few weeks....

And here is a summary of the last three weeks....

After the half, I will admit, that my calves felt pretty rough. My good friend (and running buddy Ria) was so very kind as to get me some massages for my birthday from a place in Laramie. I had one set up for the day after the half and I was badly in need of it. The massage therapist really worked me over. It most definitely hurt, but over the long term made all the difference.

My running that first week was quite a bit less. I walked a couple of miles after the therapy session and then took off completely on Tuesday. Wednesday was a fairly painful 6 miles, but it was very good to get out and put in the work. The calf pain was still there, but as one would hope, it was slowly going away. Friday I did another 6 miles and the legs weren't feeling too bad. Saturday was maybe the roughest run I have had since I started doing the long distance thing. We had quite the snowstorm on Friday and it continued until Saturday morning. The sidewalks were thick with very heavy wet snow, and there was very little plowing or shoveling going on. I ended up stopping twice to push/dig people out. I got really sunburned on the cutout of my mask on my face, and to be honest...I still look a little dorky with the way it tanned. Glad that I don't have too many runs like that.

The following week, I jumped right back into the schedule and hit all my miles that were planned: 4, 6, 4, then 3 on Friday and 8 on Saturday. There was some pain in the legs, but the runs themselves, besides too cold and slightly windy were all pretty good.

That Sunday, my right calf seized up something fierce. It took probably about two minutes before it would unclinch. The pain was very intense. I iced and stretched and just hoped it would work out for me. The runs this last week were ok, not great. After my final massage the body has felt better. Hopefully I will be able to get through tomorrow with as little discomfort as possible.

Next marathon plan!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday and Saturday

Life just seems to get more hectic whenever I think I am coming up for air...but I digress.... here are my latest efforts...

I decided to try and do 8 miles on Friday so try and keep my mileage up. It was supposed to be my 2nd peak weak in the cycle, but because I decided to do the half, my total for the long run was quite a bit shorter. Building on the effort from Wednesday, I was anxious to see how the ITB felt on Friday after more stretching and a day of rest.

The weather was quite chilly and windy. I was starting to think that maybe we would get some decent spring weather for a change, but this dragged me back to reality. I did get the chance to wear my vest and that was kind of cool.

The first mile there was quite a bit of tenderness in both IT bands, so I was getting pretty nervous. Then it felt like they were both fine. For the next roughly 1.5 miles I had no pain what-so-ever in either leg. That was a pretty amazing feeling. After that, the pain did come back and it was fairly intense, but for that short was as if I had healed. Something that really made me happy.

I ended up running 8.2 miles in 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 32 seconds. Good solid Friday effort.

Saturday seemed really odd. I wanted to get out and run so I would be tired going into the half-marathon. I am so used to putting in long miles on Saturdays that it was very surreal to do so few. The marathon itself is on Sunday, so it is good to change things up a bit...but still. I pushed a little bit too hard probably, but it felt good to run at a faster pace. I ended up running 5.01 miles in 46 minutes and 28 seconds. Good run as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

8 Mile Wednesday

After my day off from running to let my legs heal after the massage therapist, I was hoping that my run today would be good. I woke up a little after 7 and hustled out the door. The weather was cold again, and I was really hoping that my days of cold weather gear might be over for awhile. But it was not to be....

The sun was already up and blasting, I have to say that I have slowly been changing how I feel about the sun. There is something nice about how it feels on your skin, especially when it is chilly. That worked out well considering the temps were around freezing and a bit colder with the wind-chill.

I did some stretching and slowly started up my hill. The first steps I was really anxious about how I would feel. The left ITB was sore immediately, but that was something that usually happens, so I wasn't all that concerned about it. The right ITB on the other hand was completely painless, and that excited me. The lack of pain lasted until around mile 1.5. It did come back...and was pretty sore by the end, but it really did feel like progress.

I focused not so much on pace, as just trying to work on keeping my upper body arm swing a little more consistent. I sometimes wonder if part of my issues have to do with poor form and while reading the new RunnersWorld I noticed that healthy arm swinging is not nearly as much across the body as I tend to make it. This might be something minor, but it is one of those easy things that I can fix, so I thought I would work on that as the goal of my run.

I was pretty tired by mile 5, but I was enjoying the run. I was edgy yesterday, and I think a lot of it was just not getting out when I really wanted to do so. I was trying to make up for it today.

The last two miles, I did push my effort a bit. When I got to 8.01 miles I walked the last couple of blocks home and stretched. My time was 1 hour 17 minutes and 15 seconds, or a 9 minute and 38 second pace. The legs were pretty sore, and I have stretched a few times today. I really want to get out for some miles tomorrow, but won't push it if they are really sore.

I have recently been able to get the Garmin software to work with my computer, and have started downloading my runs. I will go into greater detail about all the cool things it does after the half-marathon this weekend.  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I think the massage therapy did some long term good for my legs...but I was in a lot of pain this morning so I decided to listen to my body....want to get in at least 5 tomorrow...but am hoping for 8.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

5 mile Monday

It seems to get harder to focus on class the closer I get to the end...luckily I don't have that issue with running. I watched some coverage of last year's NYC Marathon and it definitely got my juices flowing to get out there for a strong week.

I got up and got out the door. I decided to try shorts and a shirt with some sleeves warmers I bought. It worked really well for the temperature. It was a bit overcast, but really quite nice for a 5 mile run. I just wanted to get the miles in at first, the legs were bugging me a bit, but again after the first probably 2.5 miles the pain was a bit less and stayed that way for the rest of the run.

With 1.5 miles to go, I just decided to open up a little bit. By the time I finished the run my time was 46 minutes and 48 seconds. This works out to 9 minute and 21 second miles. If I can improve this marathon, I really want to start adding speed work for my next cycle. It just feels good to push on shorter distances from time to time. Anyway...thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Running apologies

To those of you that check this with any frequency...I apologize. I have not been keeping on top of it the last couple of weeks. I wish I had a good excuse....but it would just be that...and excuse. Just all the different things trying to get balanced right now...

So I will start with the 5 mile run a week and a half ago. It felt a little off but not terrible. It was very very cold. At that time, I was shocked I had put in 25 miles already. My time was 49:02. Decent time...I was very anxious about running the 20 on Saturday....

I got up and had been warned by a fellow Laramie runner about the wind predictions. I checked in the morning, and he was right. Gusts up to 40, so I decided to just do my 3 mile loop again and again and top it off with a two mile loop. I also told myself I would run in the street as much as possible, and that was a wise decision for my legs.

The incline of the first mile feels a little harder when you are on the asphalt, I am not sure why that is. But it also feels so much better with the ITB. I had those little nagging doubt in my head as I trudged along to the top, I was not sure at all that I was going to be able to do it. As I turned the corner onto 30th I got my first dose of the wind, but it didn't seem that bad. I almost continued onto my big loop into west Laramie, glad I didn't.

By the end of the first loop my IT bands in both legs were already pretty sore...I stopped off at my apartment and grabbed a couple of ibuprofen but made sure to keep my watch going so I start learning what the clock time will reflect at the Colorado. I then got back on the street....

Second time up the hill and I was feeling it. Legs were tired...but I had run 5 miles the day before...that is the point I kept telling myself....putting in the distance when you are tired....keep running. I did find a nice pace for the next couple of miles...

By mile 6-7 the hill was becoming more and more of a challenge. I used it as motivation....kept just saying in the back of my head 'hit it again' and up I would the top....I would be saying 'fight' to keep me worked....kept me psyched up...

Next couple of loops were pretty unremarkable accept the wind kept getting worse and worse. I could feel it the whole 3 mile loop by that time. Hard to keep things out of my eyes at times. I was glad I didn't wear my ball cap and instead used my Under Armour Balaklava....helps the wind seem less in my ears....

Around mile 16 I could really feel my pace slowing and it took a lot to keep pushing up the hill...up the hill....but I just kept going....

The last two mile loop didn't end up being a two mile loop because all the road runnin shortened the distance considerably which was good, because around mile 18 I hit a weird 15 minute snowstorm that just rocked my world. I was already soooo tired. Then I could see anthing...had to take of my sunglasses just to cross the streets....I wanted to quit...kept telling myself that wasn't an option and so I just kept pushing....

By the time I hit mile 19.5 the snow had stopped and the sun was back out. The wind was still insane though. Just gave everything I had in the tank to get those legs moving. I decided to stop at mile 20.0 exactly...even though I was a mile from home. The wind with the soaking wet clothes really was not I unashamedly got a ride home. My pace was a very solid 9 minutes and 51 seconds per mile. My time for the run was 3 hours, 17 minutes, and 10 seconds. I can not express how this run helped me mentally....

The rest of Saturday I took it legs were in pretty bad shape...not just the ITB so I kept them up. Sunday I felt a little worse physically. By Monday, I really thought I has a touch of the flu. I felt so drained and just unfocused. I didn't get out for a run on Monday or Tuesday....didn't really want to on Wednesday....but I did and it felt really good. I did 6 miles and worked out the kinks pretty well. The IT band was not great, but I didn't care, I was just happy to be out. On a side note, I also received the news that I was selected for the New York City Marathon again through the lottery. This will be my second year in a row....I do feel bad for people that applied and did not get in...I really do....but it is hard to put into words how it made me feel. I had such an amazing experience last year....really have been on a cloud the last several days...

I did another run on Friday which was 8 miles. It was not an easy any body is still fighting something I think. I had never run that far before a long run if my memory is correct, so I was feeling concerned about Saturday. I ironically gave a speech about the benefits of running that morning....I just get so excited whenever I talk about it...I am sure I bore the rest of the world....

I have been taking care of my dog over in Cheyenne while my parents have been at my sister Carrie's wedding in Hawaii. When I came back to school, I couldn't find a place that I could afford that would let me keep her so she has been living with them. It has been a little tough getting over there and getting to work on time and then getting back over here so I decided to stay the night Friday night and do my long run on Saturday in Cheyenne.

My folks live outside of town a little bit, so it was a mile and a half run to the Greenway. I had always wanted to run on it when I live in Cheyenne, and still wasn't healthy so I was a little excited about it. I was not looking forward to the banging on my legs for that distance, but knew it would be a good tune-up because Colorado ends along a cement path similar to Cheyenne's.

I expected to see more people....but figured out that a lot of the dead spots were far from parking, so unless people were out like me running or biking they would stay somewhat close to their cars. Made for some solitary stretches though.

The wind is always worse in Cheyenne...always....I will take the cooler temps and higher amounts of snow in Laramie compared to the wind every day of the week. But I was already out, so there was nothing to do but just deal with it. I did enjoy the nice bright sun. It was also really cool to run in some mini "tunnels" that went under streets. It was a sensation I had never experienced.

I ended up really doing an out and back which is also something that I don't do often. It is good to change up things for me from time to time. Coming back I saw a few more people, and I actually got buzzed by a bird. It was bizarre and slightly funny. Two birds were just sitting off the path a little bit and decided to was a foot or two above me...but the second one....didn't quite make clearance of my big just barely clipped me...I had to chuckle.....

The run called for 13 but I ended up doing 14. The legs definitely were hurting....couldn't get comfortable the rest of the day. My time was 2 hours, 16 minutes and 4 seconds or a 9 minute and 43 second pace. It was a good run.

I had received an email from another runner in Laramie that I met via (Thanks again for suggesting that site Jon, I am addicted). There are runners that do group runs from time to time and they were doing one today. I thought I would meet them and just do 2 or 3 to help loosen up my legs. For some reason I kept thinking we were meeting at 8:30...when in reality it was 7:30....I didn't realize this until I got up this morning.

I decided to run to the end point and take my chances that they would return and so I ran over to the coffee shop and waited a few and sure enough...they showed up. I really enjoy talking with other runners. I am hopeful I can get out with them from time to time. I was given a ride most the way home by Nate and Tina and then ran the rest of the way. Legs really hurt the first 2 miles, but I stretched and did a little yoga waiting at TurtleRock Coffee and they feel decent now. Nice way to end a running week. My time was 32 minutes and 55 seconds or a 9 minute and 30 second per mile pace. Thank you for your patience and for reading!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

10 yesterday....5 today

4:00 AM....maybe running is a sickness...just kidding. I was really out of it when I got up yesterday morning to get my run in before work. When I checked the temperature it said 40...but also said the winds were gusting in the mid to high 20 miles per hour...which by the time my run was over were a bit higher I am pretty sure.

Got up and got all my stuff on and headed out with my headlamp. The moon was really was just stunning...that is about all I can say. Just amazing....

I did my big loop around the east part of Laramie, and it was strange to see so few cars...and no police...a little disconcerting to be honest. I was able to run a little more in the street than normal, which I liked immensely.

I think my stride is a little shorter when I use the headlamp. I have never had decent night-vision...and it messes a tiny bit with my depth perception. I thought I was running faster the whole time than I actually that was a little frustrating.

The last two miles were pretty legs definitely were letting me know that my effort on Saturday was not forgotten. The sun was just starting to come up and so the horizon was getting a glimpse of sunlight by the time I got home. Having to get to work so quickly, I did not have enough time to stretch as much as I wanted. I feel lucky that my legs were still usable after the long day of sitting.

I can't remember my exact was 1 hour, 41 minutes and some change....I know my pace was 10 minute and 6 second miles. Not too far off the pace...but I was very very tired when I was done. It made for a very long day....but felt really good to achieve.

This morning, I slept in a bit...I actually went to bed very early the night before to try to stay I was very surprised when I got up and the sun was already fairly high and the temperature was only 27 without the wind chill. I needed to wear my winter gear once again.

I had a little tenderness behind my knees which was an odd sensation so I spent a little longer stretching before my run. I was glad I did. The first hill felt difficult and I was really feeling the run. After about mile two everything locked and kept that way for the rest of the run. I am pleased to have a good run after a so-so run the day before. My time was 47 minutes and 24 seconds...or a 9 minute and 28 second per mile pace...I good rebound and some momentum that will hopefully carry me through Friday and Saturday....thanks for reading!

Monday, March 29, 2010

5, 11, 5

I was able to get out Thursday for 5. It did not feel really good, but I got it in. Saturday was kind of an adventure. Headed out for a 13 mile run that turned out to be a different day all together.

About a mile in, I noticed pylons set up and thought there might be a race going on. After seeing some people setting up water stations, I figured it must be some sort of race. I figured it probably started at 9 and that I would have just missed the start. As I was continuing around my first 3 mile loop though, I saw more and more cones as well as chalk directions pointing. So I thought I would run home....grab a check...and try to find the start.

After I went back outside, I headed towards the high school, thinking that must be the wasn't....then I went to the jr. wasn't the start either. I zig-zagged a bit and came across a guy in a truck at one of the water tables I had seen awhile before. I asked him if it was a 5K....he said it I followed the cones all the way back around and on to campus. By the time I found the registration desk, the Garmin said I ran 7.22 miles.

I registered and then found the group of runners. We started kind of was more of a MS-Walk than a 5K...there was no official time or anything. It was fine, because I really just wanted to see what I could demand out of my legs when I was tired.

My Garmin, really let me down. It said it lost the signal inside...but when I went picked it back up....or so I thought. About a quarter mile in a noticed that it was only tracking I reset it which seemed to take forever as I ran. So I really have no clue as to my time.

It felt good to get out and race...I passed quite a few runners and was never passed. After the race I headed home. The legs didn't feel great...but I was ecstatic about how they gave me what I wanted.

I got out for a 5 mile run this morning. It was a good run, even though I did not have time to do yoga today. My time was 46 minutes and 19 seconds, or 9 min and 15 second miles. I have 10 miles up tomorrow...I am nervous....but a little hopeful as well.....

Sorry I have been bad about updating...I am hoping to be better...thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This week

I was able to run 5 Monday. Tuesday we had a snow storm and I had to get to Cheyenne for work and didn't get in six...then I got snowed in Cheyenne and didn't make it back to Laramie until I did not get in 5 today. Blah. Gonna do 5 tomorrow, 3 Friday, and 13 Saturday....I hope.

Monday, March 22, 2010

18 Mile Saturday

Well, Friday was a very long day, so I slept in a little on Saturday. I wasn't out the door until after 9. Even with the sun up the temperature was -6 with a windchill of -19. It really is time for some spring weather.

The first couple of miles did not feel much so that I decided to do a 3 mile loop first before heading out for the tour of laramie. By the time I had hit mile 7, I felt like I was going to be able to do the full 18.

Heading into west Laramie was a little more nerve-racking than usual. I am guessing it had to do with it being so late and with so many people heading out to go snow-mobiling. I was happy to be off the really busy roads when I turned onto Welsh Lane.

 ended up stopping around mile 12.5 and using the facilities at the Petro truck stop. I stopped for a certainly took a long time to warm-up again with my running gear soaked and the windchill...but I really got my second wind around mile 14. I kicked up the pace a bit and continued on.

By mile 16 the ITB on my right leg was really hurting. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and tried to push it out of my mind. I don't normally look at my pace...but I did just to make sure I wasn't trying too hard. I was a hair under 10 minute miles and decided to give a little more effort.

The last two miles felt like they took a long time...but they were good miles. I was very very sore, but again, it felt like I still had some left in the tank. I stretched a bit...but my legs were very I decided to pass on the yoga.

The Garmin really kind of led my astray for that the time I was dead at 18.00 said my pace was 9 minute and 40 second miles...but my actual time for the run was 2 hours, 59 minutes, and 34 seconds...are a 9 minute and 58 second per mile pace...I am a little baffled and annoyed...I would have pushed a bit more to drop the numbers a little.

The legs were dead the rest of the day and most of Sunday. I have also been sneezing a lot due to allergies, but I am feeling like I am back on track and that feels really good. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

10 mile Tuesday and 5 mile Thursday

So much going on on my world right now...most of it good...just being pulled in a lot of directions and I keep forgetting to update. I was able to get my run in on Tuesday. It was a very long day for me and getting up that early is not something my body enjoyed. It felt really good to get it in. The right IT band was not as good as I had hoped. The yoga I did afterwards helped quite a bit. My legs were very stiff for most the day, but by late afternoon they felt decent.

The run this morning was pretty sore, and mentally I was not quite as into it as I should have been. Seemed like I was having a hard time focusing while I was out which isn't usually a problem for me. I think it is just all the outside things going on and the lack of sleep. I will probably sleep in a little bit on Saturday to try and stay healthy. The weather has stayed cold in the morning, and we are supposed to get hit with a snow storm tonight. I am guessing Saturday's 18 mile effort will be in some serious snow. So it should be interesting. Thank you for reading!

Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Mile Monday

Sorry I have not been as good about updating. I have been a little down lately and so I haven't been as reflective about the running. I also have gotten in the habit of putting things up on Dailymile...where you just do the distance, time, and a brief description. I will try to be better about sharing with all of you people, kind enough to follow my running, how things are going.

So, I really want to get close to my old schedule going again. I want to do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, then the Saturday long run until my next tapper week. Then start slowly...very slowy....adding shorter Friday runs and moving the days back to as the are supposed to be (M,T,W,F,Sa). That is the plan right now....

I got up a little late, but wanted to rest because I had a job interview over in Cheyenne (got the job by the way and I am very happy). When I finally was dressed and ready I went outside and was a little surprised by how cold it was. Heard yesterday that it was supposed to warm up today...and it did....but not much in the morning.

Stretched well and started on my way up the hill. The right IT was there immediately...but it was just an I continued on and made it to the top and started going a little faster. Not sure if I mentioned it...but ESPN is back on the radio and that makes me very happy.

Thought about just doing three and calling it a day...but I need to keep making strides forward. And as a wise runner once told me....3 miles is just a warm-up. So 5 it was....

End of the run I stretched a bit. I haven't been able to do quite as much core work, because having my legs bent to do crunches really aggravates the ITB. I am hoping to slowly put them back in on non-yoga days. The run itself was pretty nice. I like the cool weather and I am sure I will miss it. My time was 48 minutes and about 30 seconds I believe. My pace was 9 minute and 31 second miles. If the legs can hold up...I know the engine likes the pace....fingers crossed...10 tomorrow! Thanks for reading.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

17 Miles!

Made it. Still a little out of it. Will post a ful recap later. 17.00....2 hours 49 minutes and 30 seconds. 9 min 58 sec per mile pace.

Friday, March 12, 2010

5 Mile Thursday

Did 5 miles yesterday. It was nice with the snow falling and still not deep yet. The legs were pretty good to be honest. The yoga went well afterwards and I am excited to do 17 miles tomorrow. We will see how it goes. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

5 Mile Tuesday

I was able to get out yesterday and get 5 miles in. Still having a bit of pain, but it has periods when I think it might be getting better. I can tell that the yoga is starting to pay off already. I decided to bail on doing a 4 mile run today so I can do it tomorrow and do more yoga after I run when the pain is the highest. I am still holding out faint hopes of getting in 17 on think good thoughts. Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 8, 2010

4 Mile Monday

Well, I got out and put in the right leg really hasn't been doing to well since. Decided to do 4 miles and while I did get it in....with a time of a bit over 39 minutes....I am worried again about the IT. I have been stretching, but there is only so much I can do. I am going to also try to use the prescription topical again and see what that does. Would really like to get 5 in on Tuesday, but if it hurts at all when I wake up, I am going to take the day off. Either way I will be sure to do some yoga and stretching....think happy thoughts for me....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not quite 11 Saturday

I realized I forgot to get my run blog posted for yesterday...sorry. The legs have been sore, but it has been something that I am hopeful I can work with. The orignal plan was to do 11. It snowed quite a bit of the day Friday and some of that night. By the time I had woken up Saturday, the wind and snow had really made for some deep white stuff. Many people had not cleared their walks, and large chunks of the campus were covered in snow. I was a human snow plow for much of the run. I most definitely was very tired by the end. I also added a couple of bridges to try to push the effort level. Usually I would feel bad about hitting 10.52 miles rahter than 11, but I am sure the effort was much higher than the miles would indicate. Any run over 10 miles is something to be happy about. And although it was not easy, I am glad to have accomplished it. I will add a few more miles this week and see how I feel by Friday for my long run of 17 on Saturday. My time was 1 hour, 51 minutes, and 55 seconds. A bit off pace, but again, I was pleased with the effort. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

4 Mile Thursday

I decided I really needed to get out the door today. Felt bad about not going out yesterday...even if I was just trying to help my leg. Running really helps me get centered and focus...I definitely notice when I don't get a run in midway through the day. So it meant a lot that I was able to get out and put in some miles.

The weather is just about to the tweer stage...where I can stop wearing most of my winter gear and maybe wear shorts or t-shirts...but in the morning it is not there yet. I will be honest and say I like the feeling of the tights on my legs. The compression feels good most of the time. So I am not sure how I feel about switching up would be nice to not take 10 minutes to put on all the layers....

I stetched again with the special IT stretch that I do and then headed up the hill. The legs felt ok for the most part that first mile. There was some mild pain that continued throughout the run. It was nice to see so much snow had melted since Tuesday, but there was still a ton of ice. The local ESPN radio station has been broadcasting since I am not sure if we no longer have a station or what...but it messes with my rhythm that first mile. Anyway....

I originally planned to do three, but partway through I figured that I would be taking off Friday so I thought I would go a bit further. I had to keep pushing the pace to keep one step ahead of the pain, and that is a little disconcerting, but it has worked for me up til this point, so I will keep trying this plan.

After I got home I did my stretch again and also did the yoga for IT band sufferers in the new Runners World. Cards on the table...they are all the same poses that I did when I was trying yoga last summer...but I am hoping with less intensity, shorter duration, and the pattern they are performed will help my IT. I am going to stop with the hip flexor raises to see how this works. I don't want to put too much pressure on doing too much...especially after a run. My thinking is core work...Monday, Wednesday, Friday....and yoga...Tuesday and Thursday. If I feel up to it after Saturday's long runs...I might do it then too. So we will see.

Run took me 36 minutes and 13 seconds or 9 minute and 3 second miles. The pain has crept back in the last few hours...but I have been sitting doing work and stuff so that is to be expected. Next up...11 miles....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No run today...

Legs didn't feel I decided to rest another day. Maybe tomorrow....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

4 Miles

Got my 4 miles in today. Wasn't as good as yesterday. The legs were both a bit sore although the right was quite a bit worse. The pain once again stopped after walking...and the stretching gave me relief for quite a bit of the day. My time was 37 minutes and 16 seconds. The pace ended up as 9 minute and 19 second miles. I am going to try to do 3 tomorrow.

Monday, March 1, 2010

3 Mile Monday

Well, I am going to try to slowly work my mileage back up over the next week or so. I decided to do 3 today and building from there. The run was ok. The pain is still there, but I am doing a lot of stretching and I think that is helping my endurance a little bit as far as the IT goes.

I have spent a lot of effort making sure that the pace I am running varies. It seems like when I look in, the range of motion and speed make the pain worse. So today I pushed pretty good. I ended up at 27 mintes and 14 seconds for the run. Or a 9 minute and a 4 second pace. The pain stopped as soon as I started walking again. After more stretching, the legs have been feeling decent. So knock on wood...maybe I am on the way back...thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

6 Miles

Well, I am trying to get out of town, so this will be brief. Got up and drink a bit of water then went out. Stretched the IT for a bit then started. The legs hurt but not too bad to begin with. Decided to stop and stretch and the 2 and 4 mile markers to try to help me get through it. Each time...all the pain went away...but it came back after about a quarter of a mile. I mixed up the pace and threw in some strides like before. Once I got home I walked a couple of blocks and then stretched again. The pain stopped as soon as I began walking and has come back as I have been laying here icing. So I think I am moving forward...ever so slowly. Don't feel like going over and looking at my watch...but I know my pace was 9 minute and 19 second miles. It is frustrating having all this energy just building up...but gotta take care of the legs. Have a good one!

Friday, February 26, 2010

No run Friday

Decided to give the legs another day in hopes that more stretching will help me tomorrow. Still aiming for 6 miles although I plan to stretch along the route as necessary. So we will see how it goes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday...3 Miles

So the legs really have not being feeling great, but they have been workable. So I went out and did 3 miles today. I have started doing a bit more stretching...I am really worried about over-doing it though. I honestly believe my over-enthusiasm about it while training for New York actually made it worse. But more on that later.

The first mile was a little rough, there is black ice everywhere. We have had some sunshine the last few days, but the temps have still been really low. Then last night we had a dusting of snow. It really made for some sketchy spots today.

I made sure to stay slow for as long as possible. One of the pieces of advice I received awhile back from the Runners Roost, was to try some strides to try and get the IT to release a bit. After I had run about two miles I did that a little bit. I didn't notice a difference, but I think mixing up my pace helps overall with just having the muscle have to change the amount and length of each step. Maybe I am wrong...I tend to be wrong a lot with running...

After I got home, I walked about 4 times the distance that I would normally. After I was done...I decided to do the stretch I do at the beginnin recommended by my sports doc...but today I just decided to hold it....for awhile...rather than 30 seconds. And while it didn't completely take away all the pain in the left leg (original IT leg) it got rid of everything I was feeling in the right. I was pretty amazed to be honest. Now...I little bit has krept back in since I have been home...but me hope.

I doubt I will run tomorrow...but we will see. My plan is to take off tomorrow and then try maybe 6 on Saturday and then spend next week slowly tacking on a mile or two here or there for a constant progression until I am back on track. I will not be racing on Saturday...which really bums me was kind of a birthday present to myself. is all about the marathon....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday....2 Miles....

2 Miles...they weren't fast....they weren't easy. Got them in. I am in a little bit of pain with both legs, but it feels like something I can live with for the time being. Will probably try for 3 tomorrow then take Friday off...

Monday, February 22, 2010 run :-(

Monday...still store...and very stiff. I am hoping to try a light jog tomorrow. We will see. Pretty bummed at the moment. I like routine...this is not part of my routine...maybe tomorrow....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The ITB Strikes Back

Well, like the title says, I am having difficulty with my Iliotibial Band....but this time it is in the right leg. It felt off the last couple of runs, and today it finally just seized up on me during the run. It pretty much was bothering me from the start, but I had hoped if I went slow and just took my time that it might be alright. I had run over 8 and a half miles when I had to stop at a four-way stop sign. After the car passed, I start up again, the pain was immediate and I am here to tell you...intense. I have learned to deal with a lot on a run, but this was very severe. I tried to keep going for about another tenth of a mile, but that just seemed to make it worse. I stopped and stretched a bit and that didn't help either. I was a about a mile and a quarter from home. I hobbled home...feeling pretty rejected and in a lot of pain. I have had my leg up and have tried to do a little more stretching. It really hurts....

I am going to stay off it as much as possible today and tomorrow. I am guessing I am not going to be able to run for a couple of days....but we will see. I am trying not to overreact yet...but it is difficult. I felt like I was doing so well. I am optimistic this will just be another bump. The left one hurts most runs, but it is pain I can deal with. Here is hoping that I can get the right one under-control and back on track...if anyone is curious...I ended up doing 9.62 miles total.....

Friday, February 19, 2010

7 Mile Friday

My legs were both feeling pretty sore in the knee area before the run. I definitely did too much on Wednesday. The thing is, this is where I can make my biggest jump as a runner. If I am able to process what is going on with my legs...and occassionally make some will make me a better runner over the long haul.

During the first mile, the pain was pretty strong. The side of my left calf that feels similar to shin splint pain was pretty noticeable for a good chunk of the run. But I just kepy my head and tried not to push too much and let the leg just work itself out. It did take a long time to feel decent, but I was able to keep going and that is what is important. I had beautiful snow covering everything to help keep my spirits up. There was a bit more ice than I could see, but no major issues...

I did two loops, the first being a 4 mile loop and the second being a 3 mile loop. The second time up the hill, I decided to give a bit more effort. The legs felt tired, but I still managed to increase my tempo just a little bit. By the time I was at the flat part at the top, I was in a nice stride that I continued until the end of my run.

By the time I got home I had run a bit over 7 miles. My pace for the whole run was 9 minutes and 35 seconds. Probably faster overall than I should have allowed myself, but I think it will be ok tomorrow. Just have to push through Saturday and get this next chunk of the cycle going properly. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4 Mile Tour

I woke up at 5:20 and couldn't fall back so sleep, so I just decided to get up a little early for my 4 mile run and try to make sure I got a good core workout in before my shower. It did not seem nearly as cold today as yesterday, which to be honest, was a nice change. I went back to the first pair of gloves that I had been using and they worked pretty well. For the run. I have been tempted to by mitten...but having my fingers free is one of my weird idiosyncracies. They had a pair that had fingers, but a wind guard at the Runners Roost in Fort Collins...but wind isn't the issue and the material was very thin. I will get auditioning gloves and mittens to see if we can find a winner. Anyway...

The first mile was good. Little pain in both knees, but definitely deal-able. Pushed my way to the top of the hill and picked up the pace a little bit. The last few days have been a little frustrating in my non-running world. I think today I needed to get some of that out...after the second mile I really dug in a bit. Cranked up the Ipod and just went with it. Being so early, there was a bit less traffic around campus and that always helps.

By the time I reached home, I was tired. Not in legs are dead...tired...just tired from the effort. I got inside and did a good workout to help me firm up a little more and then hoped in the shower. Once again I forgot to write my time down...I will look at my watch when I get home...but my pace was 9 minute and 12 second miles. Felt nice to get it out and push me through to a better day....thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

8 Miles

Today was another crazy busy day. I got up at 5:00 and got my run in before work. It was very cold again this morning. I tried to layer up the gloves and I think that actually made it colder on my fingers. I will go back to one pair tomorrow. It was obviously still quite dark by the time I got on the road. When I crossed the street to go up the starting hill, I could makeout a blinking light in the distance. I thought it might be a runner, but it seemed so far ahead of me that I didn't think I would ever catch up to it. After about a 1/3 of a mile, I could see the lights and they were moving close to me...but going from one side to another. I was really perplexed as to what it could be. When I finally caught there was a man on a bike....a woman running....and two dogs playing with the blinking lights on them. I probably should have been a little concerned, the dogs quickly started playing with me while I ran, but I am a big dog person so I couldn't really get upset. The couple was very friendly for 5:45 in the morning. It was really a cool way to start such a long cold run.

By the top of the hill, my fingers were really hurting. I had lost a lot of motion in my index finger on the left hand. I decided to take off the top glove. It took a long time, but eventually the pain subsided and it didn't bug me for the rest of the run.

I decided to do two 3 mile loops and one 2 mile loop. By the ed of my first three mile loop, I was already a little tired. There was an inkling of color appearing in the sky and that helped my focus for my second trek up the hill. I wanted to give it a good effort and not slow down too much...and I know the speed isn't always accurate....but I was right around 6.1 mph for the entire mile up the hill whenever I looked down. It helps the confidence to be sure.

M last two mile loop I felt I needed to end strong. I pushed a bit for the first mile and went aggressively after the last mile. I can't stress enough, how much easier it is on my leg pain to run when it is so cold.

By the time I pulled into my driveway my time for 8.07 miles was 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 31 seconds...or a 9 minute 43 second per mile pace. Kind of rough to start...but a good finish. Thanks for reading!

Jon - Sorry I was not more clear in my first question. You answered exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you! I was also hoping you felt like I could go all out at the 10 mile race coming up. I will start following your training for sure on that site. Another thing to motivate me.  Would you email or tell me your username? I can't seem to find you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The next chapter begins....4 Mile Monday

Well I have already had 2 exams and a third in an hour so this will be short. I bought some new gloves over the weekend so help with the bone chilling cold that seems to really impact my hands. I was excited to use them this morning. The weather did not disappoint. It was -12 according to my computer without the windchill.

I was up really late studying and was not able to force myself up until 7:30. I was out the door a little after 8. By the time I was at my starting point, my hands were already quite cold. So I guess the new gloves aren't that much of an upgrade. Just another running in cold weather lesson....

The first mile the legs felt a little tired...but good overall. I picked up the pace at the top of the hill. There were many students milling around on the different sidewalks. I kept having to speed up in certain areas to get around them. I only mention this because my time was way too fast and a lot of it was out of my control.

For a first 4 mile run, it felt really good. I was tired at the end, but not dead. My pace per mile was much too fast....9 minute and 21 second mile...I can't remember the overall time. I know I need to slow it down a bit. And I will. Thanks for reading!

Jon - Couple of quick questions/thoughts. I signed up for the Hoorsetooth Half...I had a feeling that it would come on one of my two 20 mile weeks. I really want to get 2 of them in before this marathon. I was wondering if you think I could manage pulling 20 of on my week of 18? I am also planning on doing that 10 mile race on the 27th. Can I "race" it...or should I just try to stick to my marathon goal pace? Hope the injury/illness/family stuff is getting easier for you and Boston training is rocking. Take care!

Saturday, February 13, 2010 wait....10 mile Saturday

I am on mw way out of town...just wanted to give a quick update about my run today. Got up pretty early and out the door at 6:30. Weather was cool but very nice for me. Kind of thought there might be snow on the ground...but there wasn't.

I headed up my hill and everything felt a little stiff...but quickly loosened up. I did my normal first 4 miles...but deicded I wanted to push a little and threw a couple of bridges in just to make me work. It felt good to have to work at it.

I started pushing the tempo a little before mile 7. Wanted a strong final two miles...but it ended up being 3 miles. I just decided that I felt good, and then I could say I hit the full mileage total for the first 6 weeks of this cycle.

I felt tremendously strong at the end, and that is a feeling I am starting to get addicted to. My time ended up at 1 hour and 35 minutes and 20 seconds. Which comes out to a 9 minute and 22 second per mile pace. I had a lot of energy left to burn. I am feeling really good. Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 12, 2010

6 Mile Friday

Decided to sleep in a little bit because I don't have classes today. Finally got going and out the door around 9:15. With the weather being as cold and windy as it is, this probably worked out for the better. It was a little bit warmer than it would have been and that made it more enjoyable.

The first mile was would it usually is....little bit slower...trying to loosen up my muscles. It felt like the IT was going to give me problems, it took quite awhile for it to relax. Hope it stays that way through tomorrow.

The rest of my first loop was pretty much on schedule. I tried not to get too excited about pace and just do what feels good.

When I started my second time up the hill, I made a decision to try and hit my pace all the way up the hill. At points in Colorado and New York last year...I came upon some inclines that I found demoralizing for my confidence. They were both in the middle miles, and both really crushed my spirits. So I feel like I NEED to be able to go up hills strong and not just get through them. So I made sure I hit my pace all the way up. It felt pretty good.

Since I was alreay going at a decent clip, I decided to just ride it out and keep the tempo up for the last two miles. It felt good the whole rest of the time for the 6.0 miles was 56 minutes and 59 seconds...which gave me a 9 minute and 30 second per mile pace. My legs are a little tired, but feel pretty good otherwise. Next up....9 miles tomorrow. Have a nice weekend and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Final three mile run....forever...just kidding...but for awhile

Got up a 6 and hustled to get out the door. It was chilly, but nowhere near as cold as yesterday. I had my headlamp, but it was more so that cars could see me because the sun was starting to rise ever so slowy. The wind has really been dead the last couple of days, and I do enjoy that.

Legs felt like they had more life in them than I would have thought. I did take my first mile and a half quite a bit under what I would consider my "normal" pace just to keep them relaxed. I started pushing at the end of the track field parking lot and continued until I got home. I did manage to see a few other runners out today and most of them seemed to really be pushing my hats of to them. I believe my time was 28 minutes and 8 seconds for the 3 miles. I know my pace was a 9 minute and 23 second mile. I am sad to see my 3 mile runs go away for the time being, but excited that I am about to dig in and get some mileage in starting next week. Thanks for reading!

PS - Jon, I am looking at doing a 10 miler on the 27th. I believe it is in Littleton. I haven't really looked farther ahead at any other races. It sure would be nice to do an actual half-marathon and make the starting line. How is the Boston Cycle?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SSSSeven MMMMMile TuTuTuTuesday....brrrr

I will start by saying I knew it would be cold. A system has moved in, and it had not been pleasant. That being said....holy cow. Wore all the clothing I usually wear when it is cold, and I was still frigid the entire run. But more on that at the end.

For some reason...when I set my alarm last night for 5:20 I did not acually turn it on. So it was by a small chance of luck that I woke up at 5:28. Maybe my brain knows how important it is for me to get out for my scheduled run. Or maybe I was just lucky today. Either worked.

Was out the door and to my starting point by around 6:00. The two short blocks were enough to make my fingers start to hurt. I was anxiously awaiting for the top of the hill, so I could get some circulation going and warm just didn't seem to happen today.

The first couple of miles were pretty uneventful. It was cold...but the wind was not blowing at it was quite peaceful....until I passed an unfortunate car that had the horn blaring non-stop. Felt bad for whomever owned the vehicle, because I am sure it drained the battery dead. The horn was still going 30 minutes later, when I passed for the second time.

I decided to do a 3 mile loop and then a four mile loop. I thought going up the hill three times but discourage me a little bit. Not sure if it was a good decision or not, but at least it broke up the scenery a little bit. Sometimes I like the reptition of the hill...other is nice to shake things up a little bit. Changing my running route is pretty spontaneous for someone that is as anal-retentive and into planning as I am.

Second time up the hill I was still just chilled to the bone. I tried to pick up the pace a tiny bit. I think that survival of the species kind of kicked in. I wanted to warm up...and that was the only way I could think of to do so. In my head it helped a little...

By the top of the hill my joints had kind of locked into their range of motion. It became harder to change my foot speed and cadence. But that was nothing compared to how locked my elbows felt. I actually ran for awhile with my arms extended just to try to get the blood back and kill the sensation a little bit. It was truly an odd feeling.

Last couple of miles...I did not feel all that tired. I could have pushed much harder. One thing about the intense cold, is that it really keeps me from feeling the normal muscle/IT pain that I tend to get. I must say that I really enjoyed the last two miles even though I was sooooo cold.

When I got home...the shower was not my friend. Had to turn it on luke warm just to stop the stinging. But....muscles felt good. They have been pretty decent all day. So it was a good tradeoff. My time for 7:01 miles was 1 hour and 8 minutes even. Or around 9 minute and 44 second miles.....felt good....felt hardcore....felt like a runner! Thanks for reading.

Monday, February 8, 2010

3 mile Monday (last one for awhile)

So I am starting week 6 of my training cycle. Overall I think things are going well. I feel myself getting stronger in my legs and upper body. I have had a few rough runs, but the good ones have far out-weighed the bad ones. The IT pain has been manageable for the most part and that has been the only significant injury I have had to deal with. This is kind of a down well, to help me recover and push through towards some solid mileage in the coming weeks. The legs could use the breather that is for sure.

It felt like a system was moving in yesterday, and sure enough, is was snowing as I made my way outside. I think my long run Saturday confused whatever illness was in my throat and it decided to not spread anyway else. I felt off yesterday, but besides for being a little tired, I feel good today. So I am hoping to stay healthy this week.

I really do love running while it is snowing. It was a light snow and really pretty. It did make the few remaining patches of ice treacherous, but until I walked after my run, it didn't impact me at all. (Still didn't fall...hehe). I just enjoyed the light flurries throughout the run.

Legs are still a little sore from last Friday/Saturday. All I can really do is just try to listen to my body as much as possible, and do what feels comfortable. I tried not to push too much today and just get the legs loose and put in the miles. The last mile I kicked it up a bit to get my heart going and finish strong. A pretty uneventful run, but a good one for a Monday. 29 minutes and 14 seconds or....9 minute and 44 second miles....thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

12 Mile dose of reality the time I went to bed last night...the writing was on the wall. I knew today was going to be rough. I even bought three new songs on Itunes to try to help me get pumped. When I woke up...I still felt really tired...but not quite as sick. I thought that maybe...just maybe...I could get through this one fairly well....

In hindsight....I should have eaten something before I went out...but my stomach really does not do well with stuff in it so I passed. I didn't want to start using gels until I was up to 15 mile runs because I don't like them. But I guess I should have used a little more common sense and brought at least one with me today.

The first couple of miles were very taxing....much like yesterday. I just kept trying to focus on the current mile and not the last one. The weather in all honesty...was just about perfect. Cold....but not terribly windy. The ice was only a problem in a couple of spots. The miles really just felt like they dragged on today. By the time I hit the 5.7 mark I was completely and utterly spent. Just kept focusing on one foot in front of the other.

The University cleared snow at their outdoor track yesterday and it was open today. As I went slowly past...I thought I should find a restroom. The good ones were locked due to winterizing...but I lucked out and found a port-a-potty. Amazing how little it takes to make me happy on a run. I regrouped a little bit and got back out for my last 3.5 miles.

It took a monumental effort to gut out the last 2.5. My body really just wanted to stop. I tried my go word...and it did help a bit...but the duration of motivation was shorter than yesterday. Just kept trudging on and on and on and on. I had hoped to kick it up the last 2 miles...but I was so drained that I was just happy not to walk.

I did give a bit more effort the last right calf tried to clinch up on me and that was something new and exciting....but it didn't cause me to stop so that is good. By the time I reached my door and 12 miles....I was completely spent. My legs were sore and shaking...but you know....I did it. Pushed the miles in. They weren't pretty....but they were completed. My time was 2 hours and 22 seconds. So really...not too bad....not too bad. Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 5, 2010

6 Mile beatdown

Well the lack of sleep defnitely caught up with me the last couple of days. I have come down with something...but I am not sure what it is yet. I don't have a fever or aches so I am still getting out. Today was a run that took a lot of effort considering I just had a day off.

The first mile, I could feel that I was off a little bit. Everything just felt very difficult. Had some soreness in areas I am not used to feeling that early in a run....hip mainly. Hoped it would right itself after a little bit. I trudged on...

By the top of the hill I was already pretty beat. Kept thinking if I could find a groove that the time would start to pass. I started to think about this upcoming marathon and that I just applied for next fall's New York Marathon. It always seems to bring a sense of determination to my head. The next couple of miles, while not easy, went well.

I decided to do two 3 mile loops...and my second time up the hill felt like I was on mile 16. Throat started to tighten up a bit and my chest felt a little heavy. At the top of the hill I was pretty hot and sweaty...which in the lows we are having...isn't too easy. I could feel my pace just dragging slower and slower and decided it might be a good idea to try my go to word to see if I could start to use it effectively. In the article I read...Kara went with fighter...I am not a fighter...more of a lover...just kidding. But I did like the thought of trying to fight over the feelings of pain and I am going with....fight. Very simple...but worked...I only used it a few times over the span of about a quarter mile...but it was all I needed to finish strong.

I am  not sure of my time. I will post it once I am home. This was one of the hardest runs I have had in a long time. But it feels amazing to have gotten through it...and in a respectable time. Confidence is surging....thanks for reading!

Time was 58 minutes and 21 seconds for the run....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3 Mile redo

The legs felt better throughout the day than I would have thought after a 7 mile run. That really pleased me. Got up a bit later today and took my time getting ready to leave. I slowly walked to my starting point and did a very short stretch with me left leg. I really think that a light stretch seems to help that leg a bit.

I took off up my hill and quickly found my pace. I have started running through lights if they are green and there are no cars around whether I have a walk sign or not. A part of me does not like doing it...but the rebel in me...yeah right....thinks it is important to not have so many stops in my run. I think it will help toughen me up even more. It also helps find a groove and stay with it.

At the top of the hill I kicked up my pace a bit. I read an article in Runnersworld about Kara Goucher and some of the confidence issues she has. A lot of the things in the article kept popping up in my head...and that gave me even more determination to get better and better at doing this. The key is just not pushing too hard. But something that I think I am going to start to try is using a word that is my "on" word when the things start getting tough. Not necessarily a mantra to say the whole run...but a focal point when I am facing adversity in a run that can help me buckle down and keep moving. During my three mile run...I don't have any parts that I need it....but during my longer runs I am anxious to try it.

Last two miles felt really good again. Most of the ice is gone and so I don't need to be quite so concious about looking down. It allows me to enjoy the sights a little more. I pushed like always and reached the end of my parking lot at 28 minutes and 8 seconds. Another solid run. My legs will enjoy the off day tomorrow I am sure. I am sorry if at times I seem like I am not enjoying this....every run is enjoyable....sometimes I lose sight of that...but in my heart I know it is I will attempt to be a little more positive. Getting to run as often as I do is a gift and should be treated as such. Thanks for reading!