Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4 Mile Tour

I woke up at 5:20 and couldn't fall back so sleep, so I just decided to get up a little early for my 4 mile run and try to make sure I got a good core workout in before my shower. It did not seem nearly as cold today as yesterday, which to be honest, was a nice change. I went back to the first pair of gloves that I had been using and they worked pretty well. For the run. I have been tempted to by mitten...but having my fingers free is one of my weird idiosyncracies. They had a pair that had fingers, but a wind guard at the Runners Roost in Fort Collins...but wind isn't the issue and the material was very thin. I will get auditioning gloves and mittens to see if we can find a winner. Anyway...

The first mile was good. Little pain in both knees, but definitely deal-able. Pushed my way to the top of the hill and picked up the pace a little bit. The last few days have been a little frustrating in my non-running world. I think today I needed to get some of that out...after the second mile I really dug in a bit. Cranked up the Ipod and just went with it. Being so early, there was a bit less traffic around campus and that always helps.

By the time I reached home, I was tired. Not in legs are dead...tired...just tired from the effort. I got inside and did a good workout to help me firm up a little more and then hoped in the shower. Once again I forgot to write my time down...I will look at my watch when I get home...but my pace was 9 minute and 12 second miles. Felt nice to get it out and push me through to a better day....thanks for reading!

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