Saturday, February 20, 2010

The ITB Strikes Back

Well, like the title says, I am having difficulty with my Iliotibial Band....but this time it is in the right leg. It felt off the last couple of runs, and today it finally just seized up on me during the run. It pretty much was bothering me from the start, but I had hoped if I went slow and just took my time that it might be alright. I had run over 8 and a half miles when I had to stop at a four-way stop sign. After the car passed, I start up again, the pain was immediate and I am here to tell you...intense. I have learned to deal with a lot on a run, but this was very severe. I tried to keep going for about another tenth of a mile, but that just seemed to make it worse. I stopped and stretched a bit and that didn't help either. I was a about a mile and a quarter from home. I hobbled home...feeling pretty rejected and in a lot of pain. I have had my leg up and have tried to do a little more stretching. It really hurts....

I am going to stay off it as much as possible today and tomorrow. I am guessing I am not going to be able to run for a couple of days....but we will see. I am trying not to overreact yet...but it is difficult. I felt like I was doing so well. I am optimistic this will just be another bump. The left one hurts most runs, but it is pain I can deal with. Here is hoping that I can get the right one under-control and back on track...if anyone is curious...I ended up doing 9.62 miles total.....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the OTHER ITB, Sean. You were wise to cut it short, and you are wise to take a couple days off. Keep me/us posted -- I am reading, and I do care! Good luck...
