Saturday, January 30, 2010

11 Mile Saturday....whew

Slept in a bit to try and catch up on my sleep. I might have gained on the sleep demon a little that is good. Got out the door around 9. It was still pretty darn cold outside. But that is the best way for me to do my runs....

I was the most nervous I had been in awhile about this run. Apart....6 miles and then 11 miles isn't really a huge day apart with no rest takes its toll a little. Today would live up to those concerns.

The first couple of miles where a little tight in my body. I tried not to push at all and just let the legs move like they wanted to. My left shoulder had some pain...which usually comes towards the end of my run...but it only stayed those first two miles.

I made an effort to not look at m watch and not focus on tempo. I told myself I wouldn't look until I reached the top of my big hill at 7.7 miles. When I looked down, my pace was 9 minutes and 58 seconds. I was very pleased that not really pushing mysef...and even very very tired...I was still keeping a nice pace for myself. The legs were very tired and sore...but I just kept churrning.

The last two miles is when I like to try to push a bit...and I attempted to today with mixed results. I was able to keep the tempo pretty high...but I definitely had some stomach issues that tend to arise when I push hard. The last mile was very difficult...I took a different street to make sure I got the 11 miles in and there was a lot of uphill and ice. It made for some strenous effort.

I don't have my watch with me...but I remember my pace being 9 minute and 44 second miles....considering that I wasn't paying attention the first 8 miles I am quite pleased. The legs hurt and I am very tired...but it felt like I accomplished something today. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 29, 2010

6 Mile Friday

Had a somewhat late least for me...but it was something I didn't mind. I ambled out of bed at 7:00 and slowly got ready and messed around online for a bit. When I took my first few steps felt really cold. As soon as a got to my starting spot, I could see that it wasn't all in my head. There was frost on everything. I really looked neat. I am always amazed how that drab yellow we get for so lone in Wyoming can look almost fresh with a thin layer of white. I haven't seen frost (at least covering everything) in awhile. Somedays its the little things....

Pace going up the first mile felt pretty steady and even. I did start to pick up the pace once the land leveled out a bit. Going around the corner and down 30th there was quite a bit of traffic in the parking lots. It always makes me pay really close attention as I pass some cars with people in them. Just something to help me keep my head in the game.

Stayed pretty steady until my next loop up the hill. I wanted to go up at a little bit faster pace than my warm-up mile, so I pushed a little bit. My body responded well to the minor increase so that helps the confidence a bit. The real test will be tomorrow...11 miles after 6 mile run...should be interesting....

It was a good run. My time was 57 minutes and 12 seconds for 6.00 miles. Legs are a bit sore...but I feel good. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 Mile Wednesday

First of all...Jon I can not tell you how jealous I am of your morning run. I was really hoping to feel well enough while I was in NYC to do Central Park...all around. I hope you enjoyed it. I was so in love with the whole experience, I started looking at places I could live around NY....crazy. Hope the business you are conducting is going well. Jenn...thank you for the support of visual really is dangerous...and so preventable in many cases. I just don't get why people want to be invisible when they run.

Sleep has really become elusive again. I just don't feel like I am getting more than 3 and a half or 4 hours each night. I hoped, once I really got back into training, that I might be able to sleep more soundly. I guess it is just something I need to deal with and get over. I hadn't been doing all that well with the diet up until this week. I hadn't been putting on weight by anymeans, but I really wasn't taking it off either. So I decided to incorporate some public humiliation and ask people on Facebook to help me stay on task. It has worked really well so far this week.

I got up and dressed like most mornings. The temps have been staying pretty low, so it is always important to have on layers. I was glad to have them this morning. As I was leaving, Pat, one of my upstairs neighbors was getting home, we exchange pleasantries and I continued my walk to the corner.

My pace locked in quickly and I worked to not go too fast. I think I did well until the hill leveled off...and then I felt the pace inch up slowly. I did not hit much traffic until the 15th st crossing back into my neighborhood, so that please me. It is helpful to get used to the pace without interruption. The IT was a little sore but not too bad. My time for the run was 28 minutes and 49 seconds. Good run. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

6 Mile Tuesday

I got up around 5:30 this morning and it felt like a shock to my system. I am hoping to get my sleep pattern regulated, but the cat just isn't helping. I was out the door a few minutes after 6 which was pretty good. It was still pitch black so I had my headlamp on. I have definitely noticed that when the lamp is on, that my pace is a tad slower. That might be a good thing...I am not sure. I think it helped a little with the IT today.

The run was very cold, but otherwise pretty good. The legs are tired...but I think that is natural. The 3 mile run tomorrow should help. At least that is what I keep telling myself.  My only complaint was another runner I saw early not wearing a light and having on dark running gear. Just think that we can only expect cars to be so courteous...and if they can't see us....they are going to be more apt to hit us....that is all I am saying. My time for the run was 59 minutes and 24 seconds. I was exhausted the rest of the day...but feel good about myself for getting out there. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 25, 2010

3 Mile Monday

A cold front most definitely moved in over the weekend. I ended up putting on two layers of tights instead of one. I decided not to use the watch today and just run a pace that felt comfortable to me. The left IT has really been off and I am having a little ache in the I am hoping to back if a tad and see if that helps.
The ice is really slick with the cold weather. So much had melted...that when it got hard again it made for some nasty patches alone the run. Luckily I was not running fast and was able to keep my footing.  The IT is a little sore on both sides, but much better than I had feared. Hopefully that will mean good things for the 6 mile run tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

6 Miles scheduled...but not completed.....bah

So last night was even later than I could have possibly imagined. I got home at 1 in the morning from picking up my folks at the airport...but because of other circumstances that I won't talk about here...I did not get to sleep until after 3. I forced myself up at 8 and got out for what I thought would be a decent run. I was very tired, but the running has been so good lately, I was optimistic.

I had an errand to run that was connected with the night before. I thought it would be easy then I could get back out for the rest of my run after helping a friend. Somewhere along the errand, my priorities changed when I had some disconcerting information that I needed to act on to make sure everyone in my circle was ok. I had completed 3.6 miles, I believe, up to that point. I needed access to my cell phone I hauled home...and I mean hauled. I had been going pretty easily through the first part of my run. By the time I got home...I had run a tick over 5 miles and my time was around 8:45 seconds per mile. My IT is not doing so hot...but the situation was unavoidable. In the scheme of things...missing 1 mile on a taper week is really not a big deal...I just hope I am able to get the leg back to a manageable level of discomfort soon. Anyway...thanks for reading.

Friday, January 22, 2010

5 Mile Friday

Debated whether or not I wanted to do my run in the morning or the afternoon and decided to stick with what I like and go this morning. I have to pick up my parents late tonight in Denver and figured I might not get up real early Saturday to get my run in. The weather was cool, but not overly cold. For me, practically perfect temperature-wise.

The first mile and a half felt a little rough today. Usually, when I am tired, the legs feel a little dead towards the middle of my run this felt a little bit different. By mile 2 though, things were humming along pretty well. The IT has stayed only a minor annoyance and for that I am happy.

I did not paymuch attention to pace again today. I was hoping to be around 9:40, but wanted to make sure the first 3 miles that I did not push too much. My philosophy of finishing with my last two miles being the strongest is something that has worked pretty well for me, and I am sticking with it. Today was no different.
5.00 miles 47 minutes and 59 seconds....or around a 9 minute and 38 second mile.  Legs are a little sore, but I feel good....thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3 Miles and First Day of Classes

Busy busy again today. All of my classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so they are pretty full. Again this won't be very long and I apologize. I was worried a little bit with my legs feeling so tired today...but it was pretty much all for nothing. The run was a little chilly, but it was pretty good to be honest. The IT was not too bad the whole run and after some stretching has felt good all day. I am really happy about that. I did not pay much attention to pace, I just wanted to run a pace that felt comfortable and try to get the miles in. I think I accomplished that fairly well. 3.01 miles in 28 minutes and 32 seconds. It was good run and helped start my day of correctly. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

6 Miles and Tired

Because of necessity, woke up at 5:40 to get my run in before work. Let me tell body did not want to accommodate. I felt really tired from head to toe. It took a lot of effort to get up and ready. I am happy to say that I did it.

It was very dark. We don't get a ton of overcast days here in Laramie, so when I saw the sun lighting up things slowly I thought I would get to see a sunrise. It was not the case today. Bummed me out a little.

My legs really felt tired today. First time since I started that it felt hard to keep them moving. I think the big hill the second time really contributed to it. But I like to think I burned more calories and gained a little toughness. So that is what I will take from it.

Saw a few runners this morning and felt a sense of camaraderie with it being so cold and dark. Helped get my running juices flowing a little.

My time was not awesome but it still got the job done. 5.99 miles in 58 minutes and 50 seconds. Hope I can sleep a bit more tonight and enjoy my 3 mile run tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 18, 2010

3 Mile Monday

I have quite a bit to do today so I will keep this fairly short. The IT has been a little stiff since Saturday, so I was a little worried today. I have been working to not go too fast, but I came to the realization that my pace has just become faster since I started. When I was back on the treadmill days back in the early 2000's my pace stayed pretty consistent at a 10 min mile and I neverf tried to push harder. Now I think it has honestly lowered to around 9:30 min mile. It is just were I feel comfortable when I am running, not pushing, but giving effort. Just one of those little things that can really make your day when you feel like you are making long term progress.

That being said, I the warm-up mile has also lowered a bit. I was always 5.3-5.5 miles per hour, but now 5.7 feels easier. It is hard to explain, but when I got slower, it feels like I am no longer in my stride and it is a little uncomfortable. So I really have to focuse to make sure I am doing what has become natural, while taking care of my legs. I am not really sure of the point to saying all this. Just feels good to feel like I am getting better. My 3.00 mile run took 28 minutes and 7 seconds....thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

9 Mile Long Run

So the IT was on my mind big time before I went out for my run. The pain is now similar to what it was last summer, so I had a little bit of trepidation as I went outside. I tried to make sure I was a little better hydrated and warm.  I took my time getting ready and walked to my starting point.

The pain was almost immediate along the left side of my leg between my knee and ankle. I told myself to stay slow and keep going until the first mile was complete, then I would stretch and walk a bit. I did the same stretch my sports doc told me to do last summer and walked for maybe two blocks before I started again. While I turned off the watch when I was stretching, I did leave it on for the walking so as not to mess up my true time too bad. 

The pain did not really diminish, so I just decided I was going to do what I could and hope for the best. The pain stayed solid until around mile 4. I am not sure if I was just getting used to it, or if it subsided a little, but the rest of the run definitely went much better. Found a nice rhythm and was able to stay with it.

By the time I hit the 7 mile mark, I noticed my pace was around 10:06 per mile. I was pretty pleased, and wondered if I could get to my goal pace of 9:40 per mile for the whole run. So I started to push myself to see what I had left. I had more in the tank than I would have thought. I charged up the big .4 mile hill and kept chugging along, picking up speed as the hill started to decline. By the time I hit the stopping traffic light about .7 miles from home, my pace calculated at 9:50 per mile. I had to cross two ways and forgot to stop the watch in between so that jacked my pace back to 9:52. I knew I probably couldn't make the time up, but decided to do what I could. By the time I reached home the pace listed as 9 minutes and 42 seconds. My time was 1 hr 27 minutes 25 seconds....9.00 miles. So if I would have stopped it at the light, I think I would have been solid on my goal pace. The run was not easy...but an amazing confidence booster that I can run with this pain...again. And was a lot of fun. Thanks for reading!

PS - Hey Jon, how is Boston training going?

Friday, January 15, 2010

3 miles again on Friday

Well it was time for another Friday run. This one was only a normal one and not schedule to be run at marathon pace...I thought that was a little odd...but I am trying to do exactly what the training plan tells me. I was able to get the Garmin to sync with itself quickly and that made me happy.

The IT started to hurt immediately after I started my warm-up mile. I could not get the darn thing to loosen up at all until the end of the run. I think maybe the running the first few days and too much sitting yesterday may have contributed to the pain. It was really a difficult thing to get through today, to be completely honest.

The weather was cold, but not too bad. I did see a couple of other runners out and that always perks me up. There were students everywhere and cars quickly trying to find parking, so that helped keep my mind off the IT dodging people.

My times was maybe a little fast...but right where I wanted. 28 min 41 secs for 2.98 miles. I tried to slow down to help the IT...but sometimes if I lengthen my stride for a bit it loosens up a little...I had no such luck today. Just trying to keep hopeful thoughts for tomorrow's 9 mile run. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 mile Wednesday

Well, my getting up early was short lived....damn cat....anyway. Got up and out the door around 8...which is incredibly lame. For some reason I could not get my Garmin to get any signal the entire run and that was pretty annoying. It donned on me about 8 minutes in that I already know the distance of my 3 mile run, so I should have just used the stopwatch...I told you I need more sleep.

As warm as it has been, I thought I could dress a little lighter and that did not work well at all. I always feel like people stare at me when I am wearing the balaklava even though it is so comfortable. So I just went with the ball cap. The wind was pretty stiff and quite cold. It is not a mistake I will make again for a long time.

The IT pain was a little more noticeable than in days past. This probably has something to do with the shin/calf pain being much less. So I will take that as progress. The pace I am unsure of, but I did enjoy the run. I just seem to move so much quicker throughout the day when I get a run in. Probably why it has become such a big part of my life. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 mile Tuesday

While I did not sleep incredibly well, I was able to will myself up at 5:40. On the road by 6:10. I am really quite proud of myself for not sleeping in. I think the cat might have realized she was pushing her luck last night. I yelled at her around 1:30 and she settled down until I got up. Maybe this is a sign of good things to come.

As mentioned yesterday, the pain in my left shin/calf/possible IT was foremost on my mind. I have noticed that when it starts to feel tense I tend to change my stride a little bit, and that makes it worse. So I decided to try a mantra whenever I could feel it. I just kept saying "Stay Loose" and it helped me stay relaxed and the pain was really very minimal throughout the whole run. I did some stretching again against the wall and in the shower. I am optimistic that this will help me get this figured out.

It was actually completely dark when I left the apartment. By the time I made it to my starting corner, you could see the tiniest sliver of light....and slightly above the horizon...the outline of the 1/8 of the moon. It actually looked like the sunrise was lighting the was really something. My breath in the crisp morning air mixed with the lightbeam from my headlamp again captured my eyesight at several points until the sun came up. Kind of an at peace run for the first few miles.

The run was good...5 miles isn't a long distance....but when you are trying to get back into full marathon shape it still takes some effort. I really worked on keeping a slow pace as to not aggravate the leg until the last 2 miles. I opened up a little bit and it felt really good. My time ended up 48 minutes and 7 seconds for 5 miles. I bit faster than my goal, but definitely comfortable. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 11, 2010

3 mile Monday

Got out really late again today. I think my cat is sick, she won't sleep when I do and keeps meowing at me. I feel bad, because I have done everything I can think of to help her. I just can't afford another expensive vet visit at the moment. So I didn't get out until 10 this morning, which makes me feel lazy as all get out, but I have to get more than a few hours of sleep at night. But, back to the run.

When I checked the weather, it said the wind chill was below zero so I layered up. Ended up putting on way too much. It was honestly hot by half-way through my run under all those clothes. I would much rather be chilly than steamy, so I need to find a better middle-ground I think.

I had some front leg pain yesterday that seemed to dog me for the whole run today. To be honest, it felt like calf pain that radiated yesterday, but today I can't tell if it is shin pain or IT pain. I took it easy for pretty much the whole run and did a lot of stetching once I was home and it seemed to loosen up. Gonna really take it easy tomorrow and Wednesday to make sure it stays as relaxed as possible.

School started for UW today and there were people everywhere. Makes for a little more negotiating on the sidewalks, but in a lot of ways, makes the runs go quicker. I don't have my watch with me at the moment but I believe my time was 28 min and 6 secs for 2.96 miles. A little quicker than I wanted, but still not too bad. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

8 mile long run

Well as promised, the legs were not very receptive to doing a long run the day after a pretty hard effort. All things being equal though, I was pretty pleased I was able to get through it all without really having to push myself past the point of being tired. 8 miles is still a pretty serious distance especially considering how much snow and ice are on the ground. I tried to run in the street wherever it was safe, but that left me with about 6 miles of hard packed snow and some slick ice on the sidewalk. I have mentioned that I have not fallen since I started running, and that almost changed today. About 6.7 miles in I came to an intersection with a car approaching a stop sign. I was there well before the car, but as usual, I did not want to take any chances. I started to move to where the back end of the car was located and as I changed direction my left left slipped a bit. I was able to get the right down and lean so I didn't fall down. I realize this is a pretty unremarkable event, but it was about the only real thing that happened on the run. I am trying to keep my pace on the long runs around a 10 minute mile. I think this will help me build up my endurance for when I get to the marathon. My time was 1 hour 19 minutes and 7 seconds, for 8.09 miles or a per 9:46 mile pace. So not a bad run for my first long one. Hope you are all doing well. Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 8, 2010

5 mile Friday

So this is going to be one of the biggest adjustments of this cycle...running on the day before a long run each week. I think it is really going to help with getting fit, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't very nervous about how my body was going to react. The theory is that if you can get used to running your long runs while you are a bit tired from the day before, then once you get to the marathon you will be able to push better as you get tired. This makes a lot of sense to me...but still makes me nervous. Not only is this run a decent length...but it is also supposed to be run at marathon pace. My goal is to finish in under 4 hours and 30 minutes so I am setting my pace for 4 hours and 15 minutes which would make my pace per mile around 9:43 seconds for 26.2 miles. So that is the pace I have to run for these Friday runs. Since I always go slow the first mile, I have to really be on top of the rest of the time to make sure I get my pace down, without overdoing it. Today I overdid it a little bit. But more on that a little later...

It has been very cold the last couple of days. I am sure whatever part of the country you are in has experienced some of this as well. I have come to a conclusion about my ability to withstand extremely cold really is better if it is dark when it is really cold...then I am not such a baby about it. When I go out midday and the sun is bright with no clouds in the sky and it is still below inner wuss kicks in a bit. Don't get me wrong...I still got the run in and everything after 2 miles is always warm anyway...but it was just a realization on my part. In my mind DARK = I just get up and do putting it off...just get my butt out the door and get the miles in. Just a thought I had while getting the miles in today.

I should have probably relaxed a bit on the pace, but since this is the new wrinkle to my training, I want to make sure I get it right. So I pushed a bit too much and I hope I won't pay the price tomorrow. The time was 45 min and 17 right around a 9:03 pace. It was a good run...just need to buckle down a bit and not run myself to the ground. Hope you all have nice weekends...and if you run outside...dress warm. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

3 miles..brrrr

After a very late evening I decided that it would be best to do my run in the afternoon. It would also give my legs almost 24 hours to recover from the 5 mile effort yesterday. I forgot my new shoes down at my sisters so I ended up wearing the shoes I used for New York. They are about 120 miles past being useful, but they were really my only option. They don't make that model anymore and the newer version absolutely kills my feet. Overall they held up well...although I was running in quite a bit of comfy snow.

The temperature is right at 0 at the moment with a windchill of -21. Normally in Laramie, it is either snowy or frigid cold. Usually when it is really cold, it is too cold for the moisture in the clouds to form snow. So today was an extra special treat. I used my headlamp for the first time after the sunset rather than before it rises. The breath mixed in with the snow made a very cool beam that became hypnotic after awhile. Kept finding myself exhaling up just to see the beam. Kind of lame I know...but it is the little things...

There were a lot of cars everywhere and so I really needed to be careful navigating the traffic. I think maybe there is a basketball game going on at the arena. Running with cars isn't really that bad, if you are pro-active about being safe and never ever assuming they can see you. It adds a little extra time to each run, but is worth it to stay as safe as possible.

Even with all the snow, I was pretty pleased with the effort. 28 minutes and 22 seconds for 3 miles even. I will enjoy the rest for my legs tomorrow. Next up....5 miles on Friday. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 miles in Colorado

I told my folks I would take them down to Denver to the airport. I needed to pick them up around 7:00 AM. I tried to get up at 4:40 to get my 5 in, but my body just would not do it. So I took my gear with me, and when I stopped to visit my sister and her family right outside of Windsor, I did my 5 around their neighborhood. It seems like the miles always go a little slower when you don't know the route. It is always nice to see new sights though. The Rockies in the background as the sun was starting to go down was really quite nice to see. My pace was a bit high throughout, so I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow. It was a nice run overall.

I also was able to go to my favorite running store...the Runner's Roost. I got signed up the marathon and got fitted for a nice pair of Brooks running a nice day overall.  Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Next blog

So I have decided to run the Colorado Marathon this Spring. It will be the same marathon that I ran in the spring of 2009. While it was a great feeling to have finished the marathon, I was disappointed by my time. In November of 2009 I completed the New York Marathon. This was the most amazing experience of my life, but again, I was not overly pleased with my time. I did take over 2 minutes per mile off my overall time, I wanted to get in closer to 4:30. That has become my goal for this marathon. I am bumping up the training to include one more day per week. For people that follow, I will be doing the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 marathon training program mixed in with the Intermediate 2 mid week long runs. I will post an Excel sheet showing the daily totals by the end of this week.

I am not 100%, but a far cry better off than when I started training for New York. I still have a little IT pain that comes out during every run, but I think it is pain that is really on the low end so I am just going to try to run through and see how it goes.

The other big goal for me is to take off even more weight. As of this morning I am at 185.4 pounds. I would be very pleased if I was in the 170-175 range by the time the marathon takes place in May. The weight loss up to date has been very pleasing for me, but it is time to truly get healthy.

I went out for my first run this morning and put in 3 miles. For Christmas my parents gave me a fantastic headlamp that I really like. It makes such a difference when you feel like you can go out early when it is still dark and put in the miles. I am sure by the time I get to my long runs over 12 miles, it will be worth its weight in gold.

The run itself was pretty normal. Very cold...below zero windchill...but I live in I learn to deal. I am really excited to finally be back into a routine. I will do 5 tomorrow, 3 Wednesday, 5 Friday, and 8 on Saturday to finish out the week. Thank you for reading. Wish me luck!