Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday and Saturday

Life just seems to get more hectic whenever I think I am coming up for air...but I digress.... here are my latest efforts...

I decided to try and do 8 miles on Friday so try and keep my mileage up. It was supposed to be my 2nd peak weak in the cycle, but because I decided to do the half, my total for the long run was quite a bit shorter. Building on the effort from Wednesday, I was anxious to see how the ITB felt on Friday after more stretching and a day of rest.

The weather was quite chilly and windy. I was starting to think that maybe we would get some decent spring weather for a change, but this dragged me back to reality. I did get the chance to wear my vest and that was kind of cool.

The first mile there was quite a bit of tenderness in both IT bands, so I was getting pretty nervous. Then it felt like they were both fine. For the next roughly 1.5 miles I had no pain what-so-ever in either leg. That was a pretty amazing feeling. After that, the pain did come back and it was fairly intense, but for that short was as if I had healed. Something that really made me happy.

I ended up running 8.2 miles in 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 32 seconds. Good solid Friday effort.

Saturday seemed really odd. I wanted to get out and run so I would be tired going into the half-marathon. I am so used to putting in long miles on Saturdays that it was very surreal to do so few. The marathon itself is on Sunday, so it is good to change things up a bit...but still. I pushed a little bit too hard probably, but it felt good to run at a faster pace. I ended up running 5.01 miles in 46 minutes and 28 seconds. Good run as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

8 Mile Wednesday

After my day off from running to let my legs heal after the massage therapist, I was hoping that my run today would be good. I woke up a little after 7 and hustled out the door. The weather was cold again, and I was really hoping that my days of cold weather gear might be over for awhile. But it was not to be....

The sun was already up and blasting, I have to say that I have slowly been changing how I feel about the sun. There is something nice about how it feels on your skin, especially when it is chilly. That worked out well considering the temps were around freezing and a bit colder with the wind-chill.

I did some stretching and slowly started up my hill. The first steps I was really anxious about how I would feel. The left ITB was sore immediately, but that was something that usually happens, so I wasn't all that concerned about it. The right ITB on the other hand was completely painless, and that excited me. The lack of pain lasted until around mile 1.5. It did come back...and was pretty sore by the end, but it really did feel like progress.

I focused not so much on pace, as just trying to work on keeping my upper body arm swing a little more consistent. I sometimes wonder if part of my issues have to do with poor form and while reading the new RunnersWorld I noticed that healthy arm swinging is not nearly as much across the body as I tend to make it. This might be something minor, but it is one of those easy things that I can fix, so I thought I would work on that as the goal of my run.

I was pretty tired by mile 5, but I was enjoying the run. I was edgy yesterday, and I think a lot of it was just not getting out when I really wanted to do so. I was trying to make up for it today.

The last two miles, I did push my effort a bit. When I got to 8.01 miles I walked the last couple of blocks home and stretched. My time was 1 hour 17 minutes and 15 seconds, or a 9 minute and 38 second pace. The legs were pretty sore, and I have stretched a few times today. I really want to get out for some miles tomorrow, but won't push it if they are really sore.

I have recently been able to get the Garmin software to work with my computer, and have started downloading my runs. I will go into greater detail about all the cool things it does after the half-marathon this weekend.  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I think the massage therapy did some long term good for my legs...but I was in a lot of pain this morning so I decided to listen to my body....want to get in at least 5 tomorrow...but am hoping for 8.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

5 mile Monday

It seems to get harder to focus on class the closer I get to the end...luckily I don't have that issue with running. I watched some coverage of last year's NYC Marathon and it definitely got my juices flowing to get out there for a strong week.

I got up and got out the door. I decided to try shorts and a shirt with some sleeves warmers I bought. It worked really well for the temperature. It was a bit overcast, but really quite nice for a 5 mile run. I just wanted to get the miles in at first, the legs were bugging me a bit, but again after the first probably 2.5 miles the pain was a bit less and stayed that way for the rest of the run.

With 1.5 miles to go, I just decided to open up a little bit. By the time I finished the run my time was 46 minutes and 48 seconds. This works out to 9 minute and 21 second miles. If I can improve this marathon, I really want to start adding speed work for my next cycle. It just feels good to push on shorter distances from time to time. Anyway...thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Running apologies

To those of you that check this with any frequency...I apologize. I have not been keeping on top of it the last couple of weeks. I wish I had a good excuse....but it would just be that...and excuse. Just all the different things trying to get balanced right now...

So I will start with the 5 mile run a week and a half ago. It felt a little off but not terrible. It was very very cold. At that time, I was shocked I had put in 25 miles already. My time was 49:02. Decent time...I was very anxious about running the 20 on Saturday....

I got up and had been warned by a fellow Laramie runner about the wind predictions. I checked in the morning, and he was right. Gusts up to 40, so I decided to just do my 3 mile loop again and again and top it off with a two mile loop. I also told myself I would run in the street as much as possible, and that was a wise decision for my legs.

The incline of the first mile feels a little harder when you are on the asphalt, I am not sure why that is. But it also feels so much better with the ITB. I had those little nagging doubt in my head as I trudged along to the top, I was not sure at all that I was going to be able to do it. As I turned the corner onto 30th I got my first dose of the wind, but it didn't seem that bad. I almost continued onto my big loop into west Laramie, glad I didn't.

By the end of the first loop my IT bands in both legs were already pretty sore...I stopped off at my apartment and grabbed a couple of ibuprofen but made sure to keep my watch going so I start learning what the clock time will reflect at the Colorado. I then got back on the street....

Second time up the hill and I was feeling it. Legs were tired...but I had run 5 miles the day before...that is the point I kept telling myself....putting in the distance when you are tired....keep running. I did find a nice pace for the next couple of miles...

By mile 6-7 the hill was becoming more and more of a challenge. I used it as motivation....kept just saying in the back of my head 'hit it again' and up I would the top....I would be saying 'fight' to keep me worked....kept me psyched up...

Next couple of loops were pretty unremarkable accept the wind kept getting worse and worse. I could feel it the whole 3 mile loop by that time. Hard to keep things out of my eyes at times. I was glad I didn't wear my ball cap and instead used my Under Armour Balaklava....helps the wind seem less in my ears....

Around mile 16 I could really feel my pace slowing and it took a lot to keep pushing up the hill...up the hill....but I just kept going....

The last two mile loop didn't end up being a two mile loop because all the road runnin shortened the distance considerably which was good, because around mile 18 I hit a weird 15 minute snowstorm that just rocked my world. I was already soooo tired. Then I could see anthing...had to take of my sunglasses just to cross the streets....I wanted to quit...kept telling myself that wasn't an option and so I just kept pushing....

By the time I hit mile 19.5 the snow had stopped and the sun was back out. The wind was still insane though. Just gave everything I had in the tank to get those legs moving. I decided to stop at mile 20.0 exactly...even though I was a mile from home. The wind with the soaking wet clothes really was not I unashamedly got a ride home. My pace was a very solid 9 minutes and 51 seconds per mile. My time for the run was 3 hours, 17 minutes, and 10 seconds. I can not express how this run helped me mentally....

The rest of Saturday I took it legs were in pretty bad shape...not just the ITB so I kept them up. Sunday I felt a little worse physically. By Monday, I really thought I has a touch of the flu. I felt so drained and just unfocused. I didn't get out for a run on Monday or Tuesday....didn't really want to on Wednesday....but I did and it felt really good. I did 6 miles and worked out the kinks pretty well. The IT band was not great, but I didn't care, I was just happy to be out. On a side note, I also received the news that I was selected for the New York City Marathon again through the lottery. This will be my second year in a row....I do feel bad for people that applied and did not get in...I really do....but it is hard to put into words how it made me feel. I had such an amazing experience last year....really have been on a cloud the last several days...

I did another run on Friday which was 8 miles. It was not an easy any body is still fighting something I think. I had never run that far before a long run if my memory is correct, so I was feeling concerned about Saturday. I ironically gave a speech about the benefits of running that morning....I just get so excited whenever I talk about it...I am sure I bore the rest of the world....

I have been taking care of my dog over in Cheyenne while my parents have been at my sister Carrie's wedding in Hawaii. When I came back to school, I couldn't find a place that I could afford that would let me keep her so she has been living with them. It has been a little tough getting over there and getting to work on time and then getting back over here so I decided to stay the night Friday night and do my long run on Saturday in Cheyenne.

My folks live outside of town a little bit, so it was a mile and a half run to the Greenway. I had always wanted to run on it when I live in Cheyenne, and still wasn't healthy so I was a little excited about it. I was not looking forward to the banging on my legs for that distance, but knew it would be a good tune-up because Colorado ends along a cement path similar to Cheyenne's.

I expected to see more people....but figured out that a lot of the dead spots were far from parking, so unless people were out like me running or biking they would stay somewhat close to their cars. Made for some solitary stretches though.

The wind is always worse in Cheyenne...always....I will take the cooler temps and higher amounts of snow in Laramie compared to the wind every day of the week. But I was already out, so there was nothing to do but just deal with it. I did enjoy the nice bright sun. It was also really cool to run in some mini "tunnels" that went under streets. It was a sensation I had never experienced.

I ended up really doing an out and back which is also something that I don't do often. It is good to change up things for me from time to time. Coming back I saw a few more people, and I actually got buzzed by a bird. It was bizarre and slightly funny. Two birds were just sitting off the path a little bit and decided to was a foot or two above me...but the second one....didn't quite make clearance of my big just barely clipped me...I had to chuckle.....

The run called for 13 but I ended up doing 14. The legs definitely were hurting....couldn't get comfortable the rest of the day. My time was 2 hours, 16 minutes and 4 seconds or a 9 minute and 43 second pace. It was a good run.

I had received an email from another runner in Laramie that I met via (Thanks again for suggesting that site Jon, I am addicted). There are runners that do group runs from time to time and they were doing one today. I thought I would meet them and just do 2 or 3 to help loosen up my legs. For some reason I kept thinking we were meeting at 8:30...when in reality it was 7:30....I didn't realize this until I got up this morning.

I decided to run to the end point and take my chances that they would return and so I ran over to the coffee shop and waited a few and sure enough...they showed up. I really enjoy talking with other runners. I am hopeful I can get out with them from time to time. I was given a ride most the way home by Nate and Tina and then ran the rest of the way. Legs really hurt the first 2 miles, but I stretched and did a little yoga waiting at TurtleRock Coffee and they feel decent now. Nice way to end a running week. My time was 32 minutes and 55 seconds or a 9 minute and 30 second per mile pace. Thank you for your patience and for reading!