Monday, April 12, 2010

5 mile Monday

It seems to get harder to focus on class the closer I get to the end...luckily I don't have that issue with running. I watched some coverage of last year's NYC Marathon and it definitely got my juices flowing to get out there for a strong week.

I got up and got out the door. I decided to try shorts and a shirt with some sleeves warmers I bought. It worked really well for the temperature. It was a bit overcast, but really quite nice for a 5 mile run. I just wanted to get the miles in at first, the legs were bugging me a bit, but again after the first probably 2.5 miles the pain was a bit less and stayed that way for the rest of the run.

With 1.5 miles to go, I just decided to open up a little bit. By the time I finished the run my time was 46 minutes and 48 seconds. This works out to 9 minute and 21 second miles. If I can improve this marathon, I really want to start adding speed work for my next cycle. It just feels good to push on shorter distances from time to time. Anyway...thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great updates, Sean! You are near the end of another (better) training cycle, and I'm sure your result will validate that. I am happy to read more about running and less about IT bands and other stuff. With a good week or so, then a good, easy taper, you'll be primed for a big PR in Colorado. See my Dailymile post for recommendations for your week....
