Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday and Saturday

Life just seems to get more hectic whenever I think I am coming up for air...but I digress.... here are my latest efforts...

I decided to try and do 8 miles on Friday so try and keep my mileage up. It was supposed to be my 2nd peak weak in the cycle, but because I decided to do the half, my total for the long run was quite a bit shorter. Building on the effort from Wednesday, I was anxious to see how the ITB felt on Friday after more stretching and a day of rest.

The weather was quite chilly and windy. I was starting to think that maybe we would get some decent spring weather for a change, but this dragged me back to reality. I did get the chance to wear my vest and that was kind of cool.

The first mile there was quite a bit of tenderness in both IT bands, so I was getting pretty nervous. Then it felt like they were both fine. For the next roughly 1.5 miles I had no pain what-so-ever in either leg. That was a pretty amazing feeling. After that, the pain did come back and it was fairly intense, but for that short was as if I had healed. Something that really made me happy.

I ended up running 8.2 miles in 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 32 seconds. Good solid Friday effort.

Saturday seemed really odd. I wanted to get out and run so I would be tired going into the half-marathon. I am so used to putting in long miles on Saturdays that it was very surreal to do so few. The marathon itself is on Sunday, so it is good to change things up a bit...but still. I pushed a little bit too hard probably, but it felt good to run at a faster pace. I ended up running 5.01 miles in 46 minutes and 28 seconds. Good run as well.

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