Monday, January 11, 2010

3 mile Monday

Got out really late again today. I think my cat is sick, she won't sleep when I do and keeps meowing at me. I feel bad, because I have done everything I can think of to help her. I just can't afford another expensive vet visit at the moment. So I didn't get out until 10 this morning, which makes me feel lazy as all get out, but I have to get more than a few hours of sleep at night. But, back to the run.

When I checked the weather, it said the wind chill was below zero so I layered up. Ended up putting on way too much. It was honestly hot by half-way through my run under all those clothes. I would much rather be chilly than steamy, so I need to find a better middle-ground I think.

I had some front leg pain yesterday that seemed to dog me for the whole run today. To be honest, it felt like calf pain that radiated yesterday, but today I can't tell if it is shin pain or IT pain. I took it easy for pretty much the whole run and did a lot of stetching once I was home and it seemed to loosen up. Gonna really take it easy tomorrow and Wednesday to make sure it stays as relaxed as possible.

School started for UW today and there were people everywhere. Makes for a little more negotiating on the sidewalks, but in a lot of ways, makes the runs go quicker. I don't have my watch with me at the moment but I believe my time was 28 min and 6 secs for 2.96 miles. A little quicker than I wanted, but still not too bad. Thanks for reading!

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