Monday, January 4, 2010

Next blog

So I have decided to run the Colorado Marathon this Spring. It will be the same marathon that I ran in the spring of 2009. While it was a great feeling to have finished the marathon, I was disappointed by my time. In November of 2009 I completed the New York Marathon. This was the most amazing experience of my life, but again, I was not overly pleased with my time. I did take over 2 minutes per mile off my overall time, I wanted to get in closer to 4:30. That has become my goal for this marathon. I am bumping up the training to include one more day per week. For people that follow, I will be doing the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 marathon training program mixed in with the Intermediate 2 mid week long runs. I will post an Excel sheet showing the daily totals by the end of this week.

I am not 100%, but a far cry better off than when I started training for New York. I still have a little IT pain that comes out during every run, but I think it is pain that is really on the low end so I am just going to try to run through and see how it goes.

The other big goal for me is to take off even more weight. As of this morning I am at 185.4 pounds. I would be very pleased if I was in the 170-175 range by the time the marathon takes place in May. The weight loss up to date has been very pleasing for me, but it is time to truly get healthy.

I went out for my first run this morning and put in 3 miles. For Christmas my parents gave me a fantastic headlamp that I really like. It makes such a difference when you feel like you can go out early when it is still dark and put in the miles. I am sure by the time I get to my long runs over 12 miles, it will be worth its weight in gold.

The run itself was pretty normal. Very cold...below zero windchill...but I live in I learn to deal. I am really excited to finally be back into a routine. I will do 5 tomorrow, 3 Wednesday, 5 Friday, and 8 on Saturday to finish out the week. Thank you for reading. Wish me luck!

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