Friday, February 19, 2010

7 Mile Friday

My legs were both feeling pretty sore in the knee area before the run. I definitely did too much on Wednesday. The thing is, this is where I can make my biggest jump as a runner. If I am able to process what is going on with my legs...and occassionally make some will make me a better runner over the long haul.

During the first mile, the pain was pretty strong. The side of my left calf that feels similar to shin splint pain was pretty noticeable for a good chunk of the run. But I just kepy my head and tried not to push too much and let the leg just work itself out. It did take a long time to feel decent, but I was able to keep going and that is what is important. I had beautiful snow covering everything to help keep my spirits up. There was a bit more ice than I could see, but no major issues...

I did two loops, the first being a 4 mile loop and the second being a 3 mile loop. The second time up the hill, I decided to give a bit more effort. The legs felt tired, but I still managed to increase my tempo just a little bit. By the time I was at the flat part at the top, I was in a nice stride that I continued until the end of my run.

By the time I got home I had run a bit over 7 miles. My pace for the whole run was 9 minutes and 35 seconds. Probably faster overall than I should have allowed myself, but I think it will be ok tomorrow. Just have to push through Saturday and get this next chunk of the cycle going properly. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Sean! Props to you for getting out, snow and all. Take it VERY easy during the first few miles of tomorrow's 14 -- you'll do great! The later miles of tomorrow's run will be the best training of your cycle so far, especially having run 7 today.
