Friday, February 5, 2010

6 Mile beatdown

Well the lack of sleep defnitely caught up with me the last couple of days. I have come down with something...but I am not sure what it is yet. I don't have a fever or aches so I am still getting out. Today was a run that took a lot of effort considering I just had a day off.

The first mile, I could feel that I was off a little bit. Everything just felt very difficult. Had some soreness in areas I am not used to feeling that early in a run....hip mainly. Hoped it would right itself after a little bit. I trudged on...

By the top of the hill I was already pretty beat. Kept thinking if I could find a groove that the time would start to pass. I started to think about this upcoming marathon and that I just applied for next fall's New York Marathon. It always seems to bring a sense of determination to my head. The next couple of miles, while not easy, went well.

I decided to do two 3 mile loops...and my second time up the hill felt like I was on mile 16. Throat started to tighten up a bit and my chest felt a little heavy. At the top of the hill I was pretty hot and sweaty...which in the lows we are having...isn't too easy. I could feel my pace just dragging slower and slower and decided it might be a good idea to try my go to word to see if I could start to use it effectively. In the article I read...Kara went with fighter...I am not a fighter...more of a lover...just kidding. But I did like the thought of trying to fight over the feelings of pain and I am going with....fight. Very simple...but worked...I only used it a few times over the span of about a quarter mile...but it was all I needed to finish strong.

I am  not sure of my time. I will post it once I am home. This was one of the hardest runs I have had in a long time. But it feels amazing to have gotten through it...and in a respectable time. Confidence is surging....thanks for reading!

Time was 58 minutes and 21 seconds for the run....


  1. I think that's cool, Sean. The mind is so powerful, isn't it? I feel that way, too -- just get in there and fight! Have a good weekend.
