Saturday, February 13, 2010 wait....10 mile Saturday

I am on mw way out of town...just wanted to give a quick update about my run today. Got up pretty early and out the door at 6:30. Weather was cool but very nice for me. Kind of thought there might be snow on the ground...but there wasn't.

I headed up my hill and everything felt a little stiff...but quickly loosened up. I did my normal first 4 miles...but deicded I wanted to push a little and threw a couple of bridges in just to make me work. It felt good to have to work at it.

I started pushing the tempo a little before mile 7. Wanted a strong final two miles...but it ended up being 3 miles. I just decided that I felt good, and then I could say I hit the full mileage total for the first 6 weeks of this cycle.

I felt tremendously strong at the end, and that is a feeling I am starting to get addicted to. My time ended up at 1 hour and 35 minutes and 20 seconds. Which comes out to a 9 minute and 22 second per mile pace. I had a lot of energy left to burn. I am feeling really good. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Sean! Sounds like a great effort, and I'm sure it is nice to feel strong at the end of runs lately. Keep it up in coming weeks.
